Chapter 2: Kodiak Bear

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So, the first day back seems to be moving fast. It's now 3:50 pm, and I'm heading to my last class of the day which is literature. I kept thinking about what happened in music. I was upset at first to see that she was giving out assigned seats, but she placed me in a seat right next to Selena.

She was so excited she yelled and hugged me. When she attempted to whisper in my ear. "I have to tell you something." It sounded like a whisper to me, because I'm used to her being so loud, but it wasn't close to it. "Great, would you like to tell all of us?" The teacher said, "No, sorry," Selena said.

To my surprise, the person she assigned to sit on the other side of me was handsome. His name is Nashawn. I was so shocked when he reached out his hand and introduced himself. I just stared for a moment then proceeded to say my name so weird it sounded more like peanut than Prayer.

He said, "Peanut butter?" Me and Selena broke out in laughter. I was like "No, no, it's Prayer". "Oh no. I'm sure I heard peanut butter. "Well, you must be hungry." I said "Right" Selena agreed. "And you are?" Nashawn said, extending his hand to shake hers "I'm Selena she said, extending Her's. "You're kind of cute."

She said after releasing his hand.

"He's what?" Her boyfriend asked walking up to us. "Baby" She sang as she got up and hugged him. "What did you say?" He asked pulling away from her. "I said kind of plus I was only saying what she wanted to say," she said looking back at me.

I choked off the water I was drinking and glared at her. How can she say that? She doesn't know what I want to say. Plus, he is cute not kind of. I thought still glaring at her and patting my chest still choking. "You, okay?" Nashawn asked patting my back. I was embarrassed and just nodded.

"Thank you," I said and quickly put my head down pretending to read the textbook in front of me. Looks like I'm the first one I thought as I looked around the empty classroom. The teacher looked up and saw me. "Oh, there are no assigned seats, just sit wherever you want." ok."

I walked to a seat by the window at the back of the room. "My name is Mrs. Trinity. I'm a cool, and fun teacher if respected." I extended my hand. "Prayer, no need to worry. I could never be disrespectful; my mom would not only embarrass me but also take everything I owned plus ground me for what seemed like forever.

Oh, here's her number" I handed her my mom's business card. "Oh. Thank you. She said, I took my notebook out for the class and started to read the board. Just when I put my head down and began to write, someone tapped me on my shoulder. I looked up and was shocked to see it was Nashawn.

He laughed seeing my expression. "Are you a stalker, peanut butter?" he asked. I smiled then, quickly stopped trying not to show how happy I was. "You wish. I said laughing." "This is my last class," I said. "Let me see your schedule."

"Why.?" I asked.  "I just want to see what classes you have.

"Mhm," I said, handing him my schedule. "Why do you say it like that?" he asked laughing. "I feel like you're just trying to check and see if I'm really in this class." "Nah, I believe you. I mean if you aren't supposed to be here, I wouldn't say anything about it anyway.

Plus, I like peanut butter."

"ha-ha," we both laughed. "Hey! Nashawn, stop distracting her." Mrs. Trinity said. "I'm sorry," I said. "No, you're right Mrs. T. I apologize to both of you," he said looking at me. I finished the assignment kind of fast. I looked up and saw that Nashawn had his head down with his earpiece in his ears.

He must have finished faster. I checked the time on my phone. It wasn't time to go yet, but it was close. I put my head down and waited for the bell to ring. Come 4:00 pm the bell rang so loud I jumped. "Jeez, were you asleep?" Nashawn asked, handing the girl that was standing in front of us our notebooks.

"Don't worry, I think we're the only ones that peeped that?" she said smiling "Good to know I said laughing feeling pretty embarrassed. I worked late so I was a bit sleepy" I just barely got out in between a yawn. "Oh yeah sure a bit," Nashawn said laughing. "Oh, I'm Diamond."

She said, extending her hand, first to me then to Nashawn. "Prayer." I said, shaking her hand "Nashawn" he said putting his jacket, and bookbag on completely ignoring her hand. "I and Diamond just stared at him until he looked up." "Oh. I'm sorry I don't shake hands."

"Oh, wow ok, I get it. You're too cool for that." Diamond said walking away I was confused. Didn't he shake hands with me and Selena? I thought, putting my jacket, and bookbag on. He must have noticed because he said, "Ok. I do it to girls I want to do it with. Well, to be honest, I only shook... What's that girl's name?

The loud one?" "Selena?" I asked, laughing. "Yeah, her. I only shook hers, because she's your friend." He said as we walked out of the class. "Why?" I kind of knew but wasn't sure. He leaned down, and said in a whisper... "I can be the jelly." I was shocked and confused. "What?"

I thought maybe I heard him wrong, but I guess not because he said " Never mind, that was corny, turned, and walked off so fast I didn't get a chance to respond. Umm ok, I said to myself. Then I started laughing because if that's really what he said then yes that was corny. I walked down the stairs heading towards the other exit which took me right into the parking lot.

I stood in front of the exit but left just enough room for people to come in and out. I put my head down and reached into my purse for my phone. "Hey, run!" I heard someone say it loud and clear.

I knew it was Nashawn's voice, but I didn't think he was talking to me. I heard people screaming.

I looked up to see why... My heart raced, and my hands were no longer able to function causing me to drop my purse and phone. "Run!" I heard Nashawn's voice again, but I couldn't move or scream. When I finally came back to my senses, I turned to run back inside the school, but it was too late. The bear had me by my throat. My eyes felt heavy, and my body went numb.




Kelly's POV-

"Oh my god, Prayer!" I screamed. "Kelly!" Selena called as she rushed to my side. "What do we do? We have to help her." I asked. I saw a guy rush to the bear. He punched the bear a few times in the stomach causing the bear to let out a cry before knocking the guy away with its paw.

At that moment I guess me, and Selena had the same idea. We rushed into the school grabbing anything we could find.

I grabbed a fire extinguisher and Selena grabbed... I don't know what she grabbed. I was just moving as fast as I could. I sprayed the bear with the fire extinguisher.

A few others joined in hitting the bear with whatever they could find teachers, students, security guards. Some got too close and went flying in whatever direction the bear sent them. Others were stepped on. Prayer was let go. I watched in horror. The guy from before caught her and they hit a tree.

I tried to rush to them when the bear grabbed my backpack and in one swift motion threw me. I screamed and closed my eyes not wanting to see where I was landing.


Selena's P.O.V

After seeing my best friends get thrown by the bear, I was unsure of what to do. I stood there thinking and the next thing I knew one of the teachers was dragging me into the school. Many of us stood inside and the gates were let down so we couldn't see outside, and the bear couldn't see inside.

Tears filled my eyes as I sat on the stairs hating myself for not doing more.

Many people got hurt. Teachers, students, and even Mrs. Pepper the art teacher. I'll never get over the look in her eyes when that bear ripped her in half. Prayer and Kelly... I'm not sure if they're alive but I hope they are.

We have been best friends since kindergarten. If I lose either of them or both on the same day. I'm not sure what I will do. The ambulance and police sirens got close, and their lights flashed under the crack of the gate. Mrs. Lee slowly raised the gate and opened the door.

So... that was... eventful. What's your thoughts on Prayer and her besties Selena and Kelly? Tell me how you feel. No filter. And thanks for reading.

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