Chapter 4: Guilt Trip

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Nashawn's POV-


"Prayer!" I yelled. She didn't hear me. I started running as fast as I could. I finally reached the spot where she stood, but then everything went black. "No, no... Prayer! no!" "Nashawn wake up." I jumped up, panting, soaked in sweat. My brother was sitting on my bed next to me with his hand on my shoulder. "You alright bro?" my oldest brother Nelson asked.

I didn't speak or move, I just stared off daydreaming still thinking about the nightmare I just had. "Shawn?" I looked up to see my brother staring at me with a worried look on his face. "Listen it's." he began. "I'm alright! I'm great." I said cutting him off "Yō bro who are you trying to convince? Me or you?"

"Me! I-I mean you." I said "Haha Nelson laughed. Man, you are messed up right now. he spoke. "Shut up," I told him. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. "No, I'm fine," I said. "Well, can't you at least tell me who this little thot you're constantly dreaming about?" "I quickly grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to me looking him in the eyes.

"Don't ever call her that again!" "You will address her only by her name." "You got that?" I asked. "Ye- yeah" he stuttered. My brother stared back at me with a shocked expression. It's understandable since I have never disrespected my older brothers. Yet here I was nearly choking him for a girl. No, not for a girl. For Prayer. I let go of his collar and got out of bed.

"She is not like other girls, she's different!" I shouted. "Okay, I'm sorry jeez," he said. She's prettier than most of the girls in every class I have with her, which is of course only two, but still just seeing her makes me happy. I didn't even want to go to that school in the first place, but now I just want to be around her. I thought.

I walked over to my closet and started looking for a good enough outfit to meet up with Prayer's mom and sisters at the hospital. It's not my first time meeting them. I met them at the hospital a couple of times. I expected her family to be angry and yell at me, but Prayer's mom hugged and thanked me. I didn't know why I was being thanked.

I didn't deserve it. Nelson walked over to my closet and stood next to me looking at my clothes. He pulled out some khaki pants, a navy-blue button-up, and navy-blue timberland boots. "Wear this.'' He said putting everything in my arms, "Thanks. I spoke. "Yup. Hey um, Mom wants me to go with you so hurry up." He spoke.

"Ok." I said "Oh and uh. he put his hand on my shoulder. I understand I said something wrong about a girl you like, but if you ever stretch my shirt out like that again. I will mess you up. You got that?" he said using the same tone I used with him. Haha "Yeah big bro." I spoke.

The brother of the scientist who created the bear POV- I walked out of the hospital with my cousin Anthony by my side. Reporters stood in front of the hospital. They began to ask a lot of questions. "How do you feel knowing you're responsible for many innocent people's deaths? What will your family do to compensate? Will you make a public apology? Do you think you could have prevented it?"

I just stood there annoyed and in shock. They blame us. They should be blaming the people who taught him to experiment in the first place. He was only a student there at the stupid science place. And the reporters got it wrong. My mom was not one of the victims; she didn't die. We were waiting for my mom to come out of the hospital. "STOP!" Everything went quiet. I and Anthony turned around to find my mother looking angry and sad at the same time. She stumbled forward. I and Anthony quickly went to hold her up. She has to get used to the crutches. "Aren't you dead?" A reporter asked my mom.

"Do I look dead? Besides why is no one blaming the teachers of the academy it wasn't his fault" she said angrily. "If you're going to report something, you make sure it's accurate," she said. "But I. I asked one of the students and she cut him off. "Yes, they announced me dead, but they also announced that I had come back. Now, why didn't you hear that part?" she asked.

"Well, I turned away after he said you were announced dead and didn't pay any attention to what was going on after that." "We're suing." my mom said stepping between me, and the reporter Cause since you were too lazy to do your job, my son! Has been getting bashed all over social media. Some people are even saying he killed his mother!

Now expect to see us in court." she said, grabbing my sister's hand and helping her down the stairs. The reporters were still in shock. I and Anthony followed behind my mom, got into the car, and left.

Nashawn's POV- I waited for Prayer's mom and sisters to finish signing in and did the same. Prayer's mom tried to make small talk with me as we walked to the elevators. Of course, I listened and responded when I was supposed to, but my mind was very far from the conversation. I looked down at the flowers I brought. I kept thinking about Prayer. I hoped she was awake. She had been out of the coma, but she was on bed rest, and every time I came, she was asleep. "Nashawn?" I looked up and I was the only one on the elevator.

Mrs. Hill was waiting for me to get off. I stepped off. "You alright?" she asked. "Yes, ma'am" I stuttered because I didn't want to lie, but I couldn't exactly tell her what was bothering me. She must have noticed because she put a hand on my shoulder and patted it. "Prayer is alright." she said, "Now come on, let's hurry up and get to her room before she goes to sleep again."

We both laughed and turned down the hall that led to her room. Prayer's sisters opened the door, ran, jumped on top of her screaming, and hugged her. "Ow, Ow." Prayer cried. "Hey, get off of her can't you two see she's in pain?" Prayer's mom said walking over to them. "Sorry, Prayer." the twins said at the same time. "It's ok." Prayer said. "How are you feeling?" Prayer's mom asked.

I feel great. Thanks to your, amazing get-well food and care." Prayer said hugging her mom. "Oh, I'm happy to hear that." "Well, you have a guest that brought you some really beautiful flowers." her mom said pointing to me. I walked over and at first, couldn't get my words out. "Hi." Really, hi? No, how are you? Or anything else that I wanted to say so badly? That's what I chose to say. "Hi," she said.

"These are for you," I said, handing her the flowers. "Wow, they are beautiful. Thank you," she said while smelling them. "They smell nice too." She smiled at me. "Here let me put them in water." her mom said. "You two can help," she said to the twins. "Why would you need our... one of the twins started, but the other grabbed her hand and dragged her behind while following their mom out the door.

"I can never tell which one is which from those two," I said. "You probably won't believe this, but sometimes neither can I." Prayer said. We both started laughing. "You know, you can sit if you want?" "Thanks," I said pulling a chair to the side of her bed. "How are you doing?" I asked. "I'm doing fine. And you?" she asked. I didn't know how to answer it, so I put my head down and went quiet.

She put her hand on my shoulder. "You can't keep blaming yourself for something you didn't do," she said. "Why does everyone keep saying that?" I asked putting one of my hands on hers. "I'm blaming myself for what I did. "You broke your arm and went into a coma because of me." she looked at me with furrowed brows. "Nashawn I'm alive because of you and I'm thankful."

She leaned over and hugged me of course with one arm. "Thank you." She said, I hugged her back. We talked about a few random topics before I left. I couldn't understand how she was smiling so much being in the situation she was in, but I was happy she was. I knew it was risky, but I tried to save her anyway. And now I have to be prepared for when the dominos fall.

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