Chapter 1: Back 2 School

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I sat on the highest branch of the tree. Tears flowed down my cheeks. Below lies every being that I care about. Human, non-human. Didn't matter. They were all dead and I was the last one standing. Who am I? I'm the reason they're dead.



Prayer's POV-

I turned over pulling the blanket over my head, ignoring the alarm clock. I need to get up and get ready for school, but I barely have the energy to move. I had worked late last night at my summer job. Sad yesterday was my last shift but also glad I can get more rest.

My co-workers did a no-call- no-show. I'm pretty sure they're both fired. -Beep beep. I hit the alarm clock with my fist in frustration. "Ow," I cried pulling my hand back under the blanket. That's what I get. I thought as I sat up and crawled out of bed.

What should I wear? I sighed, looking into my closet. Mom got me so many clothes just a few days ago during our back-to-school shopping. Everything still has the tags on it and here I was still not knowing what to wear.

I grabbed a few hangers randomly. Then laid everything on my bed. Hmm for random I did a good job. I thought staring at the two outfits on my bed.

One of the outfits was an ebony long-sleeved top with rhinestones on the neck and wrist of the shirt, white high-waist skinny jeans, a matching jean jacket, and ebony suede ankle boots. The other is a rosy turtleneck, dark blue high-waist skinny jeans, a matching jean jacket, and rosy knee-high boots.

I went with the dark blue and rosy outfit because wearing white to school would be me asking to get dirty. I thought walking to my bathroom. My parents and I have master bedrooms. My sisters have to share the bathroom downstairs which Prylia hates since it's close to the basement.

She thinks basements are creepy. I have two sisters and their twins.

One name Prylia the other is Pryer age 14. And yes, it was mom's idea to make all of our names start with a P. She said it's because we're all her Princesses. I'm sure all moms think like that, so I never thought it was weird.

I stood under the hot water trying to keep my head clear. After getting out and getting dressed I unwrapped my hair that fell straight and dark blue down to my waist. My hair is naturally wavy, but I got it dyed and straightened the day before.

I checked my edges and lip gloss then checked my phone looking at messages I had from my best friends Kelly and Selena. I clicked on a voice message from Kelly in the group chat. "Good morning juniors get up and get out. No seriously if I get written up for being late my mom won't buy me a new phone."

I laughed before sending a quick voice message. "Good morning girls. Meet at the usual in 20" We all live close by the school but we get caught up in conversation most times and end up late. And all recently got scolded for being written up for that.

This time me and my besties made a pact that we would leave together super early and not get written up this year and if we didn't our parents would let us throw the biggest party at the place of our choice and they were not allowed to come.

So, we're all looking forward to it. "Prayer!" Mom called from downstairs. I snatched up my purse, backpack, and phone. "Coming!" I said as I rushed downstairs. Mom was setting the tableware when I reached the dining room.

My sisters were already there. "Good morning" I sang out before sitting down. "Good morning,'' they said dryly in unison. "Good morning sweetie. Here eat quickly" she said placing a plate of food in front of me. Ooh, blueberry pancakes.

"Yay, thanks Mom," I said before pouring syrup on them and eating as fast as I could. "You're welcome. On second thought eat slowly" Mom said after I nearly died from choking. I nodded, still choking yet ironically chewing.

I turned to my sisters who were ghost silent. Neither of them seemed to want to eat anything they were both picking at their food. It was just us and Mom for now because Dad was away on a business trip. "What's wrong?" I asked them before putting eggs in my mouth without blowing.

"Ah, hot, hot" I cried. "Jesus Prayer, slow down and blow," Mom said. Prylia laughed handing me a glass of orange juice. I drank it fast trying to cool my tongue and throat. "Nothing, I'm just sleepy," Prylia said. "And her?"

I asked before looking over at Pryer who was asleep on the table. We laughed. "Mom, can I?... I said motioning to Pryer. She looked at Pryer then nodded. Giving me the okay to throw something at her. I threw a piece of Bacon that hit her in the face.

She jumped and opened her eyes.

"Who did that?" Me and Prylia grabbed our plates and ran to the kitchen laughing. "Girls stop running! Prayer hurry and go, I'll do the dishes you're going to be late" Mom called. "Okay," I said as I washed my hands.

I quickly put my jacket and backpack on. My sisters were waiting by the door. "We all rushed out the door. "So, no one can say goodbye to me?" Mom asked, standing at the door. We quickly ran back and hugged her. "See you love you."

We called while running down the stairs. Me and my sisters ran to the corner, and I waited for them to get on the bus before turning and running back in the opposite direction towards the park where me and my best friends always met before going anywhere together.

I was tired and out of breath by the time I got there. I didn't see them, so I sat down on a bench outside the park and texted them. "Come on girls. Where are you?" -Ding! I looked up to see them walking in my direction. Kelly looked up from her phone and waved.

I waited for them to reach me before standing up. "Hey, best," Kelly said. "Good morning,"- Selena sang. "Hey girls good morning." I spoke. "Tell her why it's a good morning." Kelly giggled.

"And that is?" Selena asked "Omg, you just told me.

You know why." Kelly said "Oh.! Yeah, I woke up to the best text ever." Selena said, "And it reads?" I asked. "Brad asked me to go with him and his family to pro golf!" -Selena "Umm, not to burst your bubble, but shouldn't you meet his people first?" I asked.

"That's what I said, but he told me that's the reason I'm invited. He asked his parents when's a good time for me to meet them, and they suggested when they go golfing." Selena said "Oh." Kelly and I said in unison "Cool. Well, I'm happy for you if you're happy.

Try not to be too nervous, and just be yourself, but be respectful, and thoughtful towards his people." I spoke. "Look at you, giving out advice. Kelly said laughing. "Here we go," I said laughing. We reached the school and made it to the line where everyone was going through the metal detectors.

"No seriously. When are you going to get a boyfriend? I mean you're the only one that's single out of us three. You are too pretty and talented to not have had your first boyfriend yet. "It's like what did my mom call it... Oh wasting beauty."

Kelly said in a serious tone. ''Hahaha" Me and Selena burst into laughter. Which made Kelly glare at us. "Look, I'm just not in a rush. You know how these boys are. They could be seniors, acting like 5th graders. Plus, I just want to wait till I meet the right person." I spoke.

"Understandable." -Selena "Besides, we are juniors now. She has time to find a cute junior or senior." We made it through the metal detectors, and we all had the first period together. So, we walked in and sat right next to each other.

Me being in the middle because they always argue over who sits next to me. I love my best friends to death, but I can't ignore the fact that they're both crazy. I unzipped my backpack and pulled from it two notebooks and a mechanical pencil.


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