Chapter Forty-Six

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Winnie Melbourne

"Thank you for coming, Winnie.", Mother Mene says as I appear in front of her.

I frown at her. "It's not like I had a choice, Mother. What is there to discuss."

Her aura changes as she sits back, her form stiff as she sits on her throne. "Ren was not supposed to die.", she hisses. "Somebody has rewritten what the stars have deemed and I need you to find out who."

"Shouldn't you already know? I'm not trying to be rude, but you see all. Don't you?", I ask.

"No, not anymore. My powers are waning as they slowly transfer to you, Winnie. I don't even think I can see them with my full powers. If they were able to change what the stars have written, then they are powerful.", Mother Mene confesses.

I mull the topic over in my head, my thoughts go in circles before I come to a conclusion. "Mother Selene!", I call out. Within seconds, Mother Selene appears next to her sister Goddess and acknowledges me with a tilt of her head. "We are searching for somebody. They are powerful enough to change what the stars have written. Can you find them?", I ask.

Mother Selene casts a questioning glance at Mother Mene before nodding. "Yes, I probably could. Give me a second.", she answers and then disappears.

The Temple of Darkness is quiet as we await Mother Selene's return. It's only been a few minutes when she returns, face pale and hair disheveled. She stumbles and collapses onto the cold floor. Mother Mene and I swoop in, crowding her as we fuss over her. She pushes our hands away, gasping for air.

"No.", Mother Selene wheezes, pressing the palm of her hand flat on her chest. "It can't be them. It's impossible."

"Who, Mother Selene? Who is it?"

"Genevieve.", she whispers in horror.

My body goes cold at that whispered name, my heart stuttering in my chest, and my stomach jumping into my throat.

"The God Eater.", Mother Mene hisses.

"Queen Genevieve, the God Eater. A powerful witch. She was once a white witch, but turned to the dark arts shortly after the betrayal of her beloved, the Titan God of Light. Also known as Hyperion. Hyperion played Genevieve like she was a fool, using her and then abandoning her all in one night. She was hopelessly in love with the bastard but he claimed his heart did not beat for her, but rather for the female yet to come. Nobody knew what female he was talking about or how he knew who she was before she was even born, but it ripped Genevieve apart.

On the eve Queen Genevieve was hanged, Hyperion sought her out to see her one last time. She was able to escape her restraints and kill him, an immortal God, something only a beloved could do. She swore that she would be back once the female came of age and kill everyone she loves so the female Hyperion's heart belonged to would suffer as she did.", Mother Selene explains.

"What about Hyperion? If he's dead, then why does it matter any more?", I ask.

Mother Mene sighs and sits on the ground next to Mother Selene. "He was reincarnated twenty-five years ago. I don't know who he is exactly, but I do know he is one of my wolves. When he finds the female his heart belongs too, all will be revealed."

"Has he found her?"

"Yes.", Mother Selene answers. "But we cannot tell you who it is. You must find the answer yourself. And do so quickly, before Genevieve finds her. Her life is in great peril."

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