Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Winnie Melbourne

"Over there, Winnie. I will check on you in an hour. I am sure there is much to discuss.", Mother Mene says while motioning to a field.

I stepped through the doorway, hearing the door close behind me. This part of the temple was much different, seemingly going outside. There were trees and fields with people wandering in the distance, but the field she had motioned to only had two people sitting in the grass.

As I slowly approached, I recognized my mother immediately. Her face haunted my memories and used to keep me up at night, her face twisted into an ugly sneer and her eyes filled with malice. I wince at the sudden onslaught of memories before turning my attention to the male with her. The man that must be my father is a large male and I wonder briefly how large the man who killed him is.

My mother catches sight of me first and rises to her feet, the male following. I stay where I'm at and take her in, wondering how I could ever be afraid of this female. I acknowledge that when she was alive, I was just a child, but I still fear her now. Slowly, I approach and stare into her dark eyes for the first time in three years.

"Winnie.", she breathes, eyes watering slightly. "Winnie, I am so sorry."

"I know.", I reply back. I wanted to forgive her so badly, wanted to have my mom back, but it was hard after everything that happened. If she just would've went to Alpha Kayson none of this would've happened.

"It was my wolf, she was stronger than me.", Jessica cries, her body shaking as my father holds her to his side. "I tried to protect you, I tried. Every birthday, I tried. I always tried to break through."

I nodded my head. "I know. I remember the great birthdays only to be ripped from my bed by my hair at midnight. I remember the hesitation before you hit me before the blow came full force. But I understand it was not you. Mother Mene explained to me what was happening."

She whimpered and sank further into my father's side. "I understand if you cannot forgive me. I am a horrible mom who didn't deserve you."

"With time, I can forgive you but it's going to be hard. When I think of all of the pain I've been put through, I see your face. Not your wolf's, but yours. It's going to be hard to overcome that trauma but I can.", I say, speaking honestly.

Jessica's shoulders sag in relief, nodding. "Thank you so much, Winnie. I'm sure you want to meet your father, Micheal."

I turn my attention to the male, eyeing him up and I down. We look so much alike that there is no denying that this male is my father. "You are my father.", I say.


"You died."

Micheal glances at my mother before looking back at me. "Yes. The male who challenged me was much larger than I was and caught me by surprise. I was unable to win against a male of his caliber at the time. I apologize for my weakness." I scrutinize him, taking in his height and bulk. The way he talks is unlike anybody I have ever met. There is coldness that I'm not even sure my mother could break. He clears his throat, seemingly realizing what I am thinking. "I am sorry for coming off as cold. I have always been this way and it's hard to break the habit."

I nod curtly. "I understand. I am the same way."

"I guess that's only one of the many things you got from me.", Micheal chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief. "I can't believe I'm finally meeting you. My daughter, Gamma of Red Mountain. Who would've thought?"

I crack a small smile as Jessica lightly slaps the chest with the back of her hand. "We both knew she was destined for greatness before she was even born. She will always prevail."

I motion for us to sit in the grass, my legs feeling tired after standing in one place for so long. We all take a seat as I clear my throat at the tense situation. Micheal is the first one to break the silence. "Tell us all about what you've been up to!", he exclaims.

"Well, as you know, I'm Gamma of Red Mountain. Have been for two and a half years now.", I start.

"What happened to Jeremiah?", Jessica asks.

I gulp and look away. "He, uh, Uncle Jeremiah raped me and I killed him. Alpha Kayson accepted me as his Gamma."

Micheal growls, eyes turning black while Jessica curses. I check her bond with her wolf only to find it torn, which makes sense after what she did. "I'll find him and beat the dog shit out of him.", my father growls.

Smiling at his protectiveness, I change the subject. "Alpha Kayson entered me to be a contender in the Salvation Trials this year. He says I'm going to win but I'm not too sure. My mates are supposed to help me apparently."

"Mates?", Jessica asks with a grin and raised eyebrow.

I give and nod my head. "Mates. Four of them. One Beta, two Alphas, and a Gamma. I've already found and been marked by the Beta and one Alpha."

"What are their names?", Micheal inquires. "I'm sure Mother Mene will allow me to visit for a day."

"Beta James of Red Mountain and Alpha Bronze of Black Mountain.", I say with a smile, my prideful wolf forcing me to puff my chest out.

"I remember Alpha Bronze when he was just a pup, or rather teen, running around wreaking havoc. The day he challenged his father was a joyous occasion. That man was terrible.", Jessica says with a sigh. "His father was a bad man who hurt people for no reason. Alpha Bronze put a stop to it and changed Black Mountain for the better."

I nod. "When I first became Gamma, Alpha Bronze talked shit about me and challenged my position. I accepted his challenge, not knowing he was my mate. I may have blinded him in one eye."

Micheal roars with laughter, nearly falling over. "That's my girl!"

"Winnie!", Jessica exclaims. "Oh my Goddess, how did you survive?!"

I shrugged. "I submitted and he let me go. I haven't asked him why he spared me. That was two years ago and we haven't brought it up since."

"Wow.", Micheal breathed. "I'm so proud of you, Winnie. I am so sorry for not being there. I'm glad Mother Mene has allowed you to see us."

"I am too. She said it was for closure for all of us."

Jessica cocked her head in confusion. "She said that? That's not what she told us."

"What did she tell you guys?"

Jessica looked up to Micheal and then back over to me. "She's preparing for us to move into the temple, permanently. Said she wanted us all to be on good terms so we can catch up when you become Mother Goddess."

"Really?", I ask in disbelief as Micheal nods. "That's amazing. I, I have no idea how to repay her."

"Be the best wolf you can be and then be the best Goddess you can be.", A voice answers behind me. I turn and see Mother Mene as she approaches, slowly lowering herself to the grass. "Mother Selene and I have decided that you missed out on a lifetime with your parents so when you become Goddess, they will reside with you in the temple. We have also decided to combine our powers and grant you immortality."

"What does that mean for you two?"

Mother Mene fully sits back, crossing her legs and leaning back onto her hands. "We would retire. Once she gives you immortality, she would die and be reborn, as would I. We would spend our mortal lives living as wolves until we pass one way or another."

"I'm confused. Who's supposed to be the Mother of Light?"

"You, Winnie. You are the perfect wolf for it. You are a good wolf but can wield the darkness as you see fit. You see the good in wolves, but also the bad they attempt to hide. That is the perfect Goddess. The perfect Luna Supreme."

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