Chapter Three

548 26 1

Winnie Melbourne

The Heart of Red Mountain is surrounded by the pack. Snarls and growls fill the air, puffs of frosty air rising from warm breaths as they push forward collectively, forcing the enemy tighter against the stone fountain, the same one that I had knocked Luna Kellie against, and giving them no room to get a proper attack if they were to engage. The rogues cower against one another, low whines of fear escaping from the back of their throats.

The pack senses the power change and they part to make room for Alpha Kayson and I. I slow my pace so I'm slightly behind Alpha Kayson, allowing the rogues to see the Alpha of Red Mountain in all his glory. Their eyes widen in fear at the sight of him, a large reddish brown wolf with hate in his eyes. Their gaze shifts back to me, the shadow that blends effortlessly into her Alpha's shadows, disappearing from view as the darkness swallows me whole. Their fear grows stronger by the second, I can taste it in the air. My wolf growls her pleasure and it rumbles in our chest.

Alpha Kayson shifts, standing naked in front of the intruders. "Shift.", he commands with a low growl, the Alpha Command coating his words. The sounds of bones breaking and grunts of pain causes the pack to shift uneasily and Beta James makes his first appearance, stepping forward to stand next to his Alpha.

Facing the pack of snarling wolves is a group of males and females. Scars from extensive burns are noticable on their wrists, ankles, and necks. I catch glimpses of whip marks and words carved into tan skin on some of the females. One glance is all it takes for me to realize that these wolves are not here to harm us, but to look for sanctuary. Alpha Kayson takes in the broken crowd and I sense his guard drop a little. "What brings you to Red Mountain?", he questions.

A female steps forward on unstable legs and my heart goes out to her. "My name is Armani, Alpha. We seek refuge from the flat packs. The horrors we have endured at their hands is far too much for us to bear. Please help us.", she begs with tears in her eyes.

There is truth in her words and my wolf takes note of it with keen interest. I feel something for this female, a bond between us but not as mates. I check the bond, inspecting it closely before I realized there's another bond intertwined with it. The bond of one of my Shadow Brothers. Just as I realize it, the shadows come forward and slowly make their way to Armani. I try to pull them back but one of my brothers are determined to have his female.

Armani screams in fear and backs away as I jump forward, blocking the path of the shadows. Shifting, I crouch into a defense position and snarl at the darkness. "You are scaring her!", I snarl.

The darkness grows and forms into a human like figure before turning into an actual human form. One of my brothers, Kieron, is the one to appear. His dark skin absorbs the brightness of the sun, swallowing it and turning it into nothing. "That is my mate!", he hisses to me, pointing behind me to the female.

"I understand that, Kieron, but she is terrified.", I growl, shuffling closer to Armani. Her hand reaches out to me, her wolf wanting comfort from the person who is defending her. "You can not just appear like that and expect her to go willingly."

Kieron says nothing, his black eyes on Armani only. She creeps even closer to me, her skin pressing against mine. "Is that truly my mate?", she whispers in my ear.

I nod, eyes never leaving Kieron's face. "Yes, my Shadow Brother is your mate. You do not have to go with him if you do not wish to do so right now, but he will come for you eventually."

Her heart is thudding in her chest, I can hear it and feel it against my back. "Is he, is he going to hurt me?", Armani whimpers.

"No.", I say firmly. "He would never."

Kieron take a step forward. "I would never harm you, my beautiful mate. I wish to cherish you and love you for eternity, that is all."

Armani sniffs the air, detecting no lies within his words before stepping around me and taking hesitant steps to her mate. He waits patiently until she is standing in front of him and then reaches out a hand, silently asking her to take it. She does, looking at his face for reassurance that he gives in the form a head nod and small smile.

They don't give anyone a second glance as the shadows cover them from our view, disappearing into the darkness that swallows everything.

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