Chapter Sixteen - The Past

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Alpha Bronze of Black Mountain

The Gamma of Red Mountain slowly gets to her feet and limps away, stunning me. I can barely see her through my one good eye but I watch as she walks with her head held high, refusing to tuck her chin in defeat. She knew she put up a damn good fight and for that, she had my respect.

Gamma Winnie rarely had the respect of other Alphas, I knew that for a fact. The amount of times the other Alphas talked shit about her during Alpha Meetings were far too many to count, but never me. I understood she had been through quite a bit of pain and still managed to conquer friends and foes alike.

Black Mountain isn't like what the horror stories make it out to be. We are dangerous wolves who kill without mercy or second thought, and our loyalty can be a little testy, but we never attack one another unless provoked. My wolves respect and fear me.

The stories of Black Mountain were once true though and I cannot deny that. Denying that would be denying our history and what made us into the wolves we are today. My father ran Black Mountain for 42 years before I killed him, and the way he ran it was horrible. He allowed pack members to kill each as they pleased, and he even took part in it. I didn't agree with it, so he fell to my teeth.

The pack disperses and goes about their day as I stand in the same spot, staring in the direction Gamma Winnie disappeared. My wolf growls lowly before I turn away, snarling and snapping my jaws in the air. I'm beyond pissed, and not at the fact she had blinded one of my eyes.

It was at the fact that when she attacked me, I felt very faint sparks across my body wherever she touched. I had a very bad feeling that Gamma Winnie was my mate.

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