Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Winnie Melbourne

As I arrive at Red Mountain, there's a subtle shift in the air from when I was last here. There's anxiety and excitement tainting the air and I fail to suppress my shudder. The power radiating from Red Mountain is unmatched and I immediately know who is on my land, infiltrating my pack.

Prime Alpha Titus.

I shudder again in disgust at the thought of the despicable wolf on my land, harassing my pack members. My thoughts wander as I make my way to the packhouse, taking note of the wolves surrounding the front lawn on edge. They look around before seeing me, relief in their eyes.

"Oh thank Mene, Gamma Winnie.", a male warrior says. "In case you haven't met me before, I'm Ezra, a warrior here."

"I know.", I say, giving him a firm nod. I tilt my head in the direction of the packhouse, where I hear glass shattering and snarls filled with rage. "What's going on in there?"

Ezra pales and grabs my arm in fear. "Prime Alpha Titus is here and he's been tearing up Red Mountain to look for you."

I furrow my brows. "Why?"

"Something about you having an unfair advantage in the Salvation Trials and he will not allow you to participate."

"It's not up to him, Ezra. The Salvation Trials are open to all wolves who think they have a chance or are just suicidal. Not once did it state that a wolf with a unique ability can not participate. The Dark Goddess has given me permission to fight."

He chuckles and releases his hold on my arm. "A unique ability, Gamma Winnie? I wouldn't call it that."

I purse my lips as the roar in the packhouse grows louder followed by three snarls. "And what would you call it then?"

Ezra falls to one knee, fisting his hand over his heart and bowing his head, a show of complete and utter loyalty to only me. "The power of a Goddess."

Appraising the young male, I take in his face. "You know?"

"Yes, Gamma Winnie, I know. I can travel through our world and the Spirit World. The Dark Goddess has blessed me and spoken to me through the veil."

"The Spirit Warrior.", I say as I finally make the conclusion. A wolf who could walk between both worlds and call upon the spirits of the dead to aid in battle much like I can call on any shadow, not just my brothers.

He nods as he rises before motioning to the large packhouse. "I suggest you put a stop to this before somebody gets hurt. And I'm not talking about Alpha Kayson and your two males."

"Of course. I  trust you will be by my side during the Salvation Trials?"

"Yes, Gamma Winnie. The Goddess has deemed it so."

"Praise the Dark Goddess.", I say.

"Praise the Dark Goddess.", Ezra repeats, showing our love and trust for our Mother.

I give him a firm nod in parting and then make my way into the packhouse. The snarling and growling is louder in here, echoing off of the walls. A female wolf with her pup clutched in her arms runs past me, but I stop her with a firm grip on her arm. "Who hit you?", I snarl, angrily taking in her bloody nose and bruised lip.

She yanks her arm away from me and shakes her head. "I have to get out of here, Gamma Winnie. I'm sorry."

When she passes me, I catch a whiff of the Prime Alpha's scent and I snarl again, this time louder. How dare he hit a female?!

I quicken my pace to the second floor, taking the stairs two at a time, and kick down Alpha Kayson's office door. Prime Alpha Titus has James cornered and snarls at him, lifting a clawed hand. With a growl, I lunge and tackle him into the adjacent wall. He roars and swings his claws my way. Parring his blow, I send a swift hit to his chin that slams his head into the wall, leaving a dent in the drywall.

Backing away, I assess the situation. Both of my males are bleeding and Alpha Kayson is slumped in a corner, holding his side with a grimace on his face. "How dare you?!", I snarl at the Prime Alpha. "The Salvation Trials start in three hours and you dare come onto my lands and harm my mates and Alpha."

Prime Alpha Titus wipes the blood off of his chin from my hit and glares at me. "Gamma Winnie Melbourne, I forbid you from participating in the Salvation Trials. You have an unfair advantage."

I cross my arms and widen my stance, sending him a dark glare. "The rules do not state that a wolf with unique abilities cannot participate. The rules state that any wolf who wishes to participate can do so. Section 6.2."

He growls at me and I smirk in victory, knowing I've won. "Fine. You may participate in the Trials. I wish you the best of luck, Gamma Winnie. May the Goddess guide you to victory."

I hold his gaze for a few seconds longer before nodding, brushing off his heavy sarcasm. "I would thank you, Prime Alpha, but I won't thank people over a matter of my Goddess given rights. Now please take your leave so I can tend to my Alpha and mates before the Trials."

Prime Alpha Titus leaves without another word and I turn to James who waves me off, pointing behind the desk. "Bronze needs your help more than me. He's in bad condition."

When I round the desk, my knees collapse and I crawl towards Bronze. His face is bloody and there's gashes peeking between the rips of his shirts. I grab his head and place it in my lap, brushing his hair out of his face. I seethe with rage as my hands shake.

"Mark him, Winnie.", Alpha Kayson whispers. "He will heal much faster with a completed bond, not a half one."

I meet Alpha Kayson's eyes as he slowly stands, grimacing as blood seeps through his fingers. "I don't want to mark him against his will."

My Alpha chuckles and collapses into his chair, relaxing and pulling his hand away from his wound. The claw marks are slowly healing, skin growing over and muscle coming back together. "He has been nonstop complaining about you not marking him. There is nothing about it that is against his will."

I nod and focus my attention on Bronze's neck, wiping the blood away with the sleeve of my jacket. I swiftly change my angle, throwing a leg over his body and straddling him. Electricity travels through my body at the contact and I bend over, kissing his neck as my teeth sharpen.

Without missing a beat, I sink my teeth into his skin, digging deep. Bronze's hands fly to my waist as his hips buck upwards, startling me. I yank myself away from his neck and meet his gaze as his eyes snap open.

"Hi.", I whisper, breathless.

"Hey you.", he whispers back before groaning in pain.

I quickly climb off of him and kneel at his side, checking his injuries to make sure they're healing. When the final wound starts to close, I laugh in disbelief of everything that transpired.

"The Salvation Trials starts in three hours.", Alpha Kayson announces. "These last three hours are our final preparations. Whatever you need done before the start, I would recommend getting it done now. Winnie, prepare yourself for the Clans. The Prime Alpha's sarcasm did not go unnoticed by me."

"Yes, Alpha."

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