Chapter 41 Survive

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Third Person's Pov:

"Get away from my daughter you little bastard."

what the fuck?

Ashlynn slowly turned her head back to look at the owner of the voice, hoping it didn't belong to the person she was thinking of. She didn't let go of Everly yet but after making eye contact with the said person, the grip definitely loosened a bit. Maybe out of shock, or maybe out of the sharp pinch of pain in her heart and the nerves taking over. 

"What do you mean-" she started, unsure of what was happening and thinking it was some sort of a plan. 

It wasn't. It was one hundred percent real. 

"I said, let go of my daughter." He spoke once again with determined eyes, his gun aimed directly at Ash. 

"Your what now-" She shakily breathed out, looking back and forth between the man holding a gun to her head and Everly, who was watching the whole thing unfold in front of her with her big doe eyes. 

Ashlynn was too flabbergasted to react immediately when he pulled the trigger, causing her to sprint towards the side. In the rush of it, she had somehow managed to push Everly away as well from the view of the shot, who was standing there a bit dumbfounded and looked at the man as if she couldn't believe that he had actually fired the gun.

Ash wasn't sure why she had saved her. Maybe because of instincts, maybe because of the fact that she didn't want her to die by the hands of a man who claimed to be her father. 

The echo of the gunshot attracted the rest of the group as the three of them heard footsteps running down the hall and coming towards them. 

Ace kicked down the door and pointed his gun towards the man, but lowered it down with a confused look after seeing who it was.

"Ace no-" Ash tried to warn him but it was a bit too late. 

"Chris?- What are you doing here?" Ace raised one of his eyebrows in confusion, his fighting stance completely flattened. 

His confused expression turned into a look of horror when Christopher pointed the gun towards him, aiming directly for his chest. 

"Chris, w-what are you doing-" Ace stumbled upon his own words, anxiety taking over him as he found it hard to breathe. 

"I'm just protecting my daughter." He tilted his head towards the side and looked back at Ashlynn, who was trying her best to figure out something to help Ace. 

She couldn't help but wonder, Ace wasn't in on this, right? 

He couldn't be, right? 

Well, she also didn't expect Everly to be related to the Spanish mafia. She didn't expect Christopher to betray her either. She hadn't quite processed that yet. How could she? This is a man we're talking about who she's known and trusted for years. She still had some hope that this was all some kind of a joke or another strategy she just wasn't aware of. 

"Protecting your daught- Why would you protect Ash from me are you insane-" Ace scoffed at his words, taking a step towards him. However, he froze in his tracks when Chris clicked off the safety of his gun. 

"He's not talking about me" Ash mumbled, her eyes going from Ace to Chris to Everly to the gun every second. 

She looked between Chris and Everly. They didn't look alike at all. They had different colored hair, different skin colors, different colored eyes, contrasting heights, different eyebrows and what not. The only thing that slightly resembled was their face structure but it's impossible to declare anyone biologically related just because of that. 

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