Chapter 9 The dinner

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Ashlynn's POV-

We're currently sitting in the restaurant, waiting for the Spanish to arrive. Or their so called "business partners" to arrive, as Alexander said it.

I have my daggers and throwing knives strapped to my left leg, which is covered by my dress.

I have a gun and two knives in each of my black boot too.

There is also a tracker in my earings so Viola can keep track of our location and know when to attack.

After a few minutes, The Don of the Spanish Mafia himself, Edward D'Angelo and his wife, Anastasia D'Angelo along with their Eldest son and the heir of the Spanish Mafia Spencer D'Angelo and Edward's second in command- Gabriel Sinclair walk in.

Alexander and Lucian immediately rise up from their seats and motion us to stand up too. Ughh do I have to stand up for this son of a bitch. Unbelievable.

I stand up and adjust my dress, making sure the weapons are hidden properly.

"Ah, Mr Dobrev! It's so nice to have you here tonight!" Edward begins with a smile.

"The pleasure's all mine Mr D'Angelo." Alexander replies with a smile of his own. God these people do not know how to make deals. I mean who in the hell makes a literal drug deal for their freaking Mafia with a happy face and gigantic smiles. They really need to learn something.

"So, who are all these lovely people?" He asks while pointing toward us cheerfully like he doesn't already know and isn't planning on kidnapping us.

"Well, this is my oldest son Lucian, and then Jeremy, Alfie and then my precious daughters, Charlotte and Ashlynn." He answers while pointing towards each and every one of us.

I internally gagged at 'precious daughters' . Also, this just proves my point further. I mean for gosh's sake you do NOT tell the other Mafia's, especially if you don't know them very well, about the things that are "precious" to you.

This is dumb. Honestly, the fact that Alexander actually said yes to this dinner is dumb. But good for me I guess. Atleast I can get a mission done for my dad's agency from this.

I might be the owner of the agency on the papers, but it'll always belong to Christopher. He is the one who worked hard day and night for the Agency to rise and I'll never take any credit for that. It all goes to him.

"Well it's, nice to meet you all. This is my beautiful wife, Anastasia D'Angelo and my son Spencer D'Angelo along with my second in command, Gabriel Sinclair." He gave us all a smile and motioned for us to take a seat while doing the same.

After a few minutes of them chatting about some not very important things , and Spencer giving me bedroom eyes, to which I gladly glared at him and most probably traumatized him, and then him moving on to Charlotte to try the same thing with her, and her flirting with him right back through her eyes, Edward suggests to go and get drinks at the bar.

So the Men- including Edward , Gabriel , Alexander and Lucian, go to the V.I.P lounge bar of the restaurant, which was outside this room. And I'm pretty sure this room is soundproof. Even though Jeremy is legal to drink as well, he decided to stay behind.

Then, it was just the 6 of us, from which Charlotte and Spencer were giving eachother bedroom eyes. Disgusting.

After a few minutes of the tortorous awkward silence, the lights finally went out and it got dark. This is it I suppose.

I had been trained to see in the dark but it was pitch black so even I was having difficulty in seeing what was going on. Everybody, well all the Dobrev's, were in panic mode.

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