Chapter 5 What's up?

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Ash's Pov-

It has been about a week since I moved in with the Dobrev's. Yes, I say dobrev's like I'm not one of them because I am not. I go by Ashlynn Pierce and I like that name much better thank you very much.

So far, my so called siblings have been just soooooooo welcoming.

Note the sarcasam.

Jeremy always keeps glaring at me, to which i happily glare back. Like c'mon man take a chill pill. I'm not gonna murder your entire family. Yet.

Charlotte, being the crybaby she is, keeps winning about everything. Also, she has tried so many dumb things to me in 'trouble' .

Like yesterday, she threw Alexander's favourite anciant show pieces or some crap kept in the drawing room on the floor and then blamed me for 'destroying' her daddy's precious 'ornaments' .

Her words not mine.

When Alexander asked the maids about it, they truthfully admitted that they never saw me entering that room, and after Charlotte cried some big fat tears on how she'd never lie to her family, it was leter declared as an accident.

I mean joke's on you bitch. I couldn't care less even if they did blame me. Besides, what else is new.

Alfie usually ignores me but when he does look at me, it's with pure hatred. Can't say that doesn't hurt. But honestly, i don't even know what I'd expected. He is working with Lucian and Alexander so ofcourse he sees eye to eye with them.

Speaking of work, nobody has mentioned anything about the mafia to me yet and by the looks of it, I'm pretty sure Charlotte doesn't know about it either.

Whenever they have to talk about their mafia, or their so called 'Family business' as they like to call it, they converse in German thinking I don't know the German language as I lived in Italy and stuff. Oh well, only if they knew.

Obviously I understand every single word they say, considering my brother (Ace) is literally the Don of the German Mafia. But well, playing dumb never hurt anybody now did it.

Anyways, tonight is Friday night. And apparently, every Friday, it's a family night or some crap. Oh also, i start school on Monday with 'dear' twin and Alfie.

So currently, we're all sitting in the living room for this 'Family night' and Charlotte is bragging on and on about some new clothes she bought for school. Oh and did I mention she's literally sitting on Alfie's lap?

Yeah. I've noticed that whenever I walk into a room, she starts clinging onto him like a freaking 2 year old to make make me jealous or something i guess.

Uh, hell if I care. If he can give me the cold shoulder, i can make it look like his whole existence is a lie.

Just when I'm thinking of all the ways I'd love to kill Charlotte right now, and dreaming about racing my motorcycle on a a cold chilly night, which might i mention, i haven't rode in ONE FULL WEEK, because it hasn't gotten here yet, Yes I'm definitely having a word with the shipment agency later, I'm bought back to reality when Elijah, one of my undercover spy's working as a guard here, enters the room and interrupts this so called family night.

"There's somebody here to see you miss Ashlynn" he Informed.

From the corner of my eye, i could see everybody looking at me with curiosity painted all over their faces. Nosy bitches I tell you.

Honestly, I was quite curious myself. I wasn't expecting anybody, and nobody except my friends even knew that I am here. I nodded at Elijah and started Following him out.

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