Chapter 36 Driving and yelling.

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Ashlynn's POV~

I sat at the table, my mind trying to figure out why in the hell did she bring that stuff in her bag to the ball. 

I know the only reason she must have these here was if the Spanish were planning an attack tonight. 

But why? What benefit could they possibly gain by attacking these people?

Unless it's a distraction. 

Uh oh. 

I texted Ace to insure that security was tight at all the bases tonight, even though I was pretty sure they weren't gonna attack our warehouses. 

They were gonna attack the Dobrev mansion. 

Everly probably knows and has most likely seen that I keep my laptop in my room along with some of the drives and disks. 

It appears to be a normal MacBook to binge Netflix and shit, but it actually contain about half the information of our shipments, dealers and mission reports in general. So yeah, basically they're important. Like, REALLY important. 

Even though they're kept in a very secure place and are encrypted by the safest secure system ever created, they can still be destroyed physically. 

And that could do a lot of damage as it has some of our most important contracts and files. If Everly really was working with the Spanish, then that was probably the place to start.

Maybe they had a hunch that I was doubtful of her.

I mean don't get me wrong, being the paranoid person I am, I never fully trusted her but I never showed it though.

How could she possibly know that I was suspicious of her?

Keeping those thoughts for later I decided to go with my gut for the time being..

Just as I was thinking of an excuse to leave, the two faced bitch beat me to it. 

"Tonight's been great but I'm afraid I'm gonna have to leave now. I have a shift in the morning and I can't be late for it. I'll see you guys tomorrow though" Everly announced and got up, picking up her bag as she kissed Jeremy goodbye. 

She smiled at me and waved, while I did the same. 

Don't want her getting suspicious just yet. 

Being paranoid really payed off, huh? 

After me and Jeremy watched her get to her car and drive away, the music suddenly stopped and the lights went out. 

Obvious enough?

A few men wearing the identical robber masks barged in and started firing around. Some of the people started screaming while the others took out their own weapons and started shooting back. 

I took cover under one of the tables as I unstrapped my own gun from my leg. Jeremy looked at me with raised eyebrows, as if asking something. 

"Please tell me you have a gun on you" I narrowed my eyes. 

His silence was enough of an answer so I passed him one of mine after sighing in disappointment.

I don't have time for this right now. 

During the crossfire, I nudged Jeremy and whispered him to give me the keys of the car in which we came.

Gosh the one time I didn't come on my own bike. 

"What" He whisper-yelled with his eyebrows knitted together. 

"Give me the damn car keys" 

"Why, you wanna run away from the fight? So much for being an undefeated assassin" He scoffed, shaking his head in my direction.

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