Chapter 24 Eyes, Emotions, Pain and Guilt

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Ashlynn's POV-

With that bullet, it felt like my whole world came crashing down in front of me.

William turned back towards me with a sickly sweet expression and kept the gun away.

"Well, now that we do not have any leverages in the way, let's begin shall we?" He asked in a mocking polite tone.

All I could see was red, my body shaking with anger, pain and guilt.

The last time I felt like this, was when this guy right here tortured my best friend to death and made me watch the entire thing.

I lodged towards William, my fists clenched so tight and my nails digging into the skin hard enough to draw blood, and punched him rapidly.

After a few punches, he grabbed my fist and twisted my arm backwards.

I grabbed his arm from my other hand and twisted it hard enough to dislocate it.

He let out a cry of pain and I kicked him in the ribs.

He fell to the ground and pulled my leg, bringing me to the floor as well.

We both immediately got up. He took out a knife and threw it towards me.

I caught it and threw it right back. He got aside at the last second, causing the knife to greeze his neck and go by.

He ran towards me and kicked my feet from under me, thinking I'd fall.

But I grabbed his shoulder and jumped over them, wrapping my legs around his neck.

I held him in a chokehold for a while, cutting off his air supply and seeing him struggle.

Then I pulled out my hidden knife from my boot and stabbed him in the stomach.

He fell to the floor, breathing heavily and coughing out blood.

"You can't do this. You're too weak." He said slyly while coughing.

I went over and wrapped my arm around his neck from behind and kept my knife on his neck.

"You shouldn't have done that" I whispered to him and sliced his throat.

He fell to the floor, blood pooling out of his throat and stomach.

I would have loved to see him suffer a little more, but I just wanted to kill him at the moment and if I had to wait a moment longer, I swear I would have gone on a killing spree.

I dropped the bloody knife on the floor and ran towards Chris.

All of his clothes were covered in blood and he was laying on the floor, unconscious. At this point I didn't even know if the blood was mine or his.

I dropped to my knees by his side and took his hand. Tears were pooling in my eyes and I let them fall this time.

"Please please don't leave me. I'm so sorry. I'm the worst daughter ever. Please forgive me and come back" I kept muttering repedly, but it sounded more like whimpering.

Tears were flowing out of my eyes like a freaking waterfall, and I just felt broken.

Inside and out.

My whole body hurt and was screaming at me in agony, but it was like I knew the pain was there but couldn't feel it.

All I could feel was the excruciating pain in my chest, the guilt that I couldn't save him, the emptiness and the numbness.

I tightly held onto his hand and sobbed quietly.

I gently put my fingers on his neck, looking for any sort of pulse by any miracle.

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