Chapter 2 Give'em Hell

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Ace's pov

After the call ended, Ash sort of just zoned out? She was lost in her train of thought for a good 4 minutes before i decided to bring her back to the land of consciousness. So, after I almost smashed my hands in her eyes, she got out of her little trance and looked at me with an annoyed expression.

"What?" She asked irritated.

"Who was that? what did they do? Oh and also how many funerals do I need to plan because boy you did not look happy with whatever this person did" I exaggerated. Well I mean I ain't lying. She usually talks to everybody in a calm and deadly voice. so we know it's some serious shit when Ash Raises her voice.

Felix and Viola also looked at her with curiosity and a little caution. Huh. Guess they were thinking the same thing.

She sighed. "That was John. Mark's partner or some crap. Apparently mark died on a mission or something and john being the 'great' guy he is, called somebody who reached out to my biologicals and now apparently they oh so dearly and may I add 'happily' want to take me in." She said with a tight lipped smile, sarcasm lasing her voice.





"I'm gonna murder this John guy" Felix said with a hard expression on his face.

"I'll help" I snorted.

"You're not actually going are you?" Vi asked in a soft voice filled with sadness and disbelief.

"I don't exactly have a choice. Besides, I'm sure it won't be that bad. I mean I can single handedly kick all of your assess ,so what are a little wannabe's gonna to to me. If anything, they should be the one worried" she said with a mischievous smirk on her face, obviously trying to lighten up the mood.

Felix just scoffed and narrowed his eyes at her playfully. Vi just gave her a dull look and I just sighed and shook my head trying to stifle a laughter. I mean , again, she's not wrong . There's a reason she's the most feared assassin in the underworld. And that is definitely SOMETHING.

"When do you leave?" I asked after some time remembering that she never told us that.

"Um....about that....I sort of leave tomorrow.... After school....I'm gonna be flying to New York..." She said sheepishly. "Well on the bright side now we can personally keep check on the clubs and Gyms we have there" she quickly added as if that was gonna make everything better.

"MOVIE NIGHT" vi yelled after a silence of good 5 minutes. We know she's not very happy about Ash leaving. They both are literally like twins. No crap. I know Ash has a biological twin too but oh god don't even get me started on that disgusting little piece of absolute shit. We're the only family Ash needs. She's said that on her own like a million times now. I'm sure she has some other Agenda of why she's actually going back . I'll ask her later about it .

Ashlynn's pov-

Ace and I are currently trying to bake some cookies .

Keyword- trying.

We have already set the microwave on fire like two times now. HOW DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN. I mean we've barely even finished making the dough. Oh well there's a reason nobody but Fenix is allowed in the kitchen.

Speaking of him, Fenix and viola are currently out shopping for the movie night we're gonna have tonight. Man I'm gonna miss these movie nights with my friends. I'm actually gonna miss each and every one of them obviously but ofcourse I will never admit that though.

"I'm so done with this" Ace groans after our microwave catches fire for the THIRD FREAKING TIME.

"Wanna just select the movies?" I ask , equally frustrated with our 'amazing' cooking skills. Note the sarcasam.

And he's already running towards our movie room. Without even answering me. Ofcourse. Guess I'll take that as a yes then .

After selecting the movies, Ace asks me "why are you actually going back?"

Honestly, I'm not even surprised. Ace has known me the longest , since we were kids. So he always knows if I'm keeping anything from him . I don't even know how he does it.

"Well like I said , we'll personally be able to keep check on our clubs and Gyms we have there. Besides, this way I can also make sure that our spy's are loyal and trustworthy."

"And...........?" He pushes.

God he knows me too well. Ugh I hate this guy.

"And ......maybe i don't completely hate the idea ....of seeing ....Alfie again....." I replied in a slow voice almost wishing he didn't hear me.

He sighed. "Just don't get your hopes up ok? He's working with them now."
He said softly.

"I know." I replied while softly smiling at him.

After a while, he nudges my shoulder and chirps "Give'em hell" while grinning at me.

I grin right back. "I will."

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