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Issac moaned as he stirred in his sleep, not so high on painkillers this time around. There wasn't a group of doctors rushing into his room this time- which was comforting- but a dark shadow loomed over his comforter.

Stretching his neck to the other side with only an eye open he could make out a familiar face examining the liquid content in the IV transparent bag.

"What the hell are you doing here, Riley?" Issac said in a hoarse voice that indicated he just woke up, pulling the cover closer to his face adjusting himself to go back to sleep again.

"How come you can always descry between us?" Riley asked curious and exasperated, with an undercurrent of sadness in them. They shared the same face! But the sadness wasn't because he could distinguish between them, but because she has to bury her friend the next day. Say goodbye to her forever.

"Lillian's prettier and not annoying."

"Character assassinater."

"Spoilt brat."

"Sister lover."

"Trust me darling, if people can't differentiate either of you. That person either doesn't know you're twins or doesn't know you at all." Issac simply rolled his eyes. It is pretty weird hearing it out of context, and maybe it was. But it was different. Something inexplicable. Something he wasn't willing to give up.

"We aren't that different, we are sisters and we share the same face." Riley argued back.

"Your clothing style, which is ew by the way. The way you talk- too many words. The way you carry yourself. But I'll cut you some slack today. Finally, you and Lillian are worlds apart. Someone has to be an idiot to not be able to discernate between you and her."

"The medicine looks plain." She said, her lips curling up as she gentle nudged the bag with the rip of her finger.

"Your existence looks plain."

"Haven't they thought you in school not to piss of the person who can easily inject a bunch of edible glitter into your bloodstream." Riley replied, sassily.

There was something in her tone that made the corner of his eyes soften, that lost tone and maybe the dark circle under her puffy eyes looking at him like she was barely holding herself together.

"My condolence."


"Do you want a hug?" Ignoring the dull ache in his side as he moved, he stretched his arms out towards her.

That simple gesture reddened her eyes as she carefully threw herself in his arms for comfort but keeping in mind not to put her entire weight on him.

"I'm sorry." She croaked out, tears springing out of her eyes, while Issac rubbed her back comfortingly. "I don't want to be part of their family, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm sorry." She whimpered, fisting his hospital cardigan in her hand.

"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have lashed out like that, either. Let's call it truce?"

Issac felt Riley nod her head in the croak of his neck.

"Alright now that's done, can you get up. My muscles are sorta sore."

"I'm not that heavy." She puffed playfully, straightening her back.

"Rrrright, in your dreams?"

The door to the room was pushed open by someone whom neither of them would've ever expected.

"Mr. Black." Issac whispered in shock and confusion. He didn't like the man. And possibly never will. But having the man's blood flow in his veins..... was neither heartwarming nor disgusting. It left a bad and weird taste in his mouth.

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