Chapter 12

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"OK so let me get this straight. Your family is filthy rich yet they dropped my daughter at the adoption center." Stacey asked through gritted teeth.

"Which they didn't because we found her near the dumpster." Benjamin said, seething.

When the couple first found Riley near a dumpster, they took her in as they've always longed for a girl child.

But after three pregnancies their gynecologist said it was quite risky for them to convince again.

They lost their hope of ever having a girl child of their own and thought of adopting one after their youngest, Issac, grew up a little.

A few months later they met their angel screaming her lungs out in the pouring rain.

The couple fell in love with the newborn and took her in as their daughter.

When they initially saw her, they thought she was discarded from her birth family as they couldn't afford a child or it was a teenager's mistake and she simply left her child to die in the rain.

With no official documents they couldn't find her birth parents and they liked the thought of not sharing their daughter with such despicable people.

That made it easier for Riley to think they were her birth parents. But no, her birth family was just as rich as them and they didn't take of her. The thought made him shudder in disgust, he was ecstatic Riley didn't grow up with her birth parents now.

"I don't know about any of the specifics." Lillian said cutting through the steak.

"But I don't think he is capable of that. Makes no sense, he fed me after all." She voiced her doubts. If it was true then why not throw her in the rain too and be done with it. It just doesn't make sense.

Though it wouldn't surprise her if he abandoned her, she highly doubted he would do it. He was a wife pleaser, just the thought of hurting Laura would've killed him deep inside.

After all he did love his wife more than anyone or anything. She'd seen his face glow everytime Lillian had to join them for her meals after Laura woke up.

She often looked at the happy family of 3, 4 if included Lucy, and wondered if she could ever be a part of them.

Well now she will never be a part of them.

"How would you know that. Didn't you get kicked out?" Zach hissed at her. Steve kicked his shin with the heel of his foot and glared at his younger brother. Zach muttered a small 'sorry' towards the teenager and looked at his plate with a scowl, suddenly feeling his appetite fade away.

"He kicked me out because he didn't want to hurt his wife." She said looking at him, not looking affected in the least as if she wasn't talking about her at all.

"I didn't understand." Steve confessed, shaking his head in confusion.

"He thought I did drugs. His wife wasn't a fan of them." She said shrugging her shoulders. She felt uncomfortable sharing the details with them yet divulged out the information since she thought it was necessary.

Though she didn't want to live with them, she couldn't just say no so might as well tell them the details. 

Laura's brother or someone related to her died of overdose hence she hated the idea of anyone from her family doing drugs.

"You didn't deny it?" Stacey asked with a frown on the corner of her lips.

"He wouldn't believe me." She said, shrugging her shoulders.

"For someone that has just found her twin, got kicked out and is now part of a new family, you are awfully calm." Benjamin pointed out.

"Yea, since I've stalked her, she hadn't talked with anyone or has showed any emotion." Issac chimed in, his eyes glowing in astonishment.

"You stalked-" Stacey cut herself off feeling a headache kick in.

"I'm just gonna lay down. This day has barely started and I'm worn out." She said getting up from her seat. "And welcome to the family, Lillian." She said looking into the eyes of the girl with a smile.

Lillian looked intently into the older woman's eyes without returning the smile but not being able to look away either, as if her eyes had some sort of an enchantment in them.

"Lillian, you will be joining Riley's and Issac's highschool from next week." Benjamin's voice caught her attention and she simply nodded, looking at the food in her plate.

"What's the fees?" She asked quietly feeling her heart pump. She wasn't used to strangers helping her and pay for her.

Though they looked rich, sometimes looks can be deceiving. And what if they are just trying to be nice. No, she can't let them pay for her school.

"You don't have to worry about it." He said, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

She nodded feeling like her heart's gonna collapse any moment in nervousness.

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