Chapter 44

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The manager then turned on his heels and walked towards Lillian's office, Issac followed him after he saw where the other man was going.

The manager opened the door to her office and let himself in to take a good look at the damage Stephenie caused.

When they entered her office they were surprised to see Lillian with her shirt open, wiping herself with a towel in the middle of the room.

Lillian- who just walked out of the bathroom to dry herself up- wasn't expecting anyone to walk in on her and didn't turn her head to acknowledge them either. She was more caught up in removing the final ink stain that just won't go away.

The manager caught himself from cursing as he saw the side of the white shirt covered in blue and returned to his professional state.

"You can have the day off and the rest of the week off to deal with the emotional trauma or you can add them to your number of paid leaves. I'm sorry for what happened." He said before turning his back and leaving.

He recalled Stephenie had approximately 10 days left and didn't think twice before giving it to the other girl.

"I didn't know it was that bad." Issac said as he rushed to her side after the manager left, examining the piece of cloth.

Lillian hummed in response. If she was not wrong her manager just said she could take the day off. And that was exactly what she was going to do. She felt the strong emotion coming back when she looked at her jeans but pushed it away.

Issac removed the shirt off her and replaced it with his jacket.

"Do you want to talk?" He asked her as he noticed that she hasn't uttered a word since the incident.

Lillian hummed, neither denying nor admitting.

"Let's go back to your place, alright." He said, he wasn't asking. He'd drag her back to her apartment if he had too.

Lillian once again hummed in response.

"My jeans." She trailed off as she looked at it. She was sure it'd leave a stain on his car seat.

"It's ok." He assured her. He felt slightly better at hearing her voice but frowned when he realized what she was trying to say. He didn't care about the bloody car more than her!


"Have you tried going to therapy?" Issac asked as he swerved the car. Something told him that she didn't actually get the help she needed.

Lillian hummed in negative.

Issac started to get worried, he had never seen her this silent. Did she go on an autopilot mode? He didn't know how to handle that, he never expected for it to happen.


"You're early." Riley called out as she changed the channel on the television. She liked being in the house more, compared to being in her biological parent's house. It didn't make her feel guilty or anything, she felt relaxed. It was like just any other day before she met them.

"Holy-" Riley breathed out, clamping her mouth shut as she saw Lillian's appearance.

Issac passed her a look as he clutched Lillian's shoulder and led her to her room.

"Change your clothes and get some rest, alright?" Issac said and lillian hummed a response before he closed the door.

He'd let her have some personal space and time to cope with it, he was sure he wouldn't be of much help as he had no clue what to do.

"Explain." Riley stated, standing infront of her brother with her arms over chest.

Issac pinched the bridge of his nose to calm himself down.

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