Chapter 25

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A group of people hid inside the overgrown bushes as they watched the building- that held young girls captive- surrounded by guards with long guns, no doubt ordered to shoot anyone that enters or gets close to the building.

What they didn't know was that they had a spy within them that leaked some important intels that is enough to take them down.

The group of 5 watched as one of the guards said something to the other guard and went inside.

"Shall we make a move now, captain?" His colleague asked.

"Not now." He said and asked through the ear piece. "Are the girls safe?"

"So far, yes." A woman's voice came from the other side.

The were selling kidnapped girls inside the building. And their mission was not only to take down the leader of the sex trafficking ring in that building but also to save each and every kidnapped girl.

"Is the leader in there?"

"No." She said curtly.

They- then- heard the sound of cars coming from a distance and turned their neck to see who it was.

The car stopped directly infront of the building and one of the guards held the door open and escorted- who they are assuming is the- head inside.

More men from the other cars came out and shielded him as if he was going to get shot at any moment. Well, it most probably is true.

"He came." The female voice said.

"OK so you know the plan. The auction starts in 1 hour, the leader personally goes in to check the girls in 10 minutes so we burst in and mingle with them before ambushing the leader with our spy. Capeesh Riley?" The captain of the team explained the plan once more before asking their spy- Riley.

They chose this day because the leader rarely shows his face and all the kidnapped girls will be here for the auction.


They then saw one of their team member come out of the shadows and knock the only guard out since all the others went inside with the leader of the ring to protect him.

They then went inside and went their own ways so as to not attract any attention towards them.

One of them pretended to be a waiter and mixed drugs in the drinks, when no one noticed, and started to serve them to the people in the ring.

The other one pretended to be an electrician and went to the back stage to fix the lightings. He baited them a few times to confess what they know, only to understand that they didn't have any idea what was going to take place tonight.

One of them went from one door to another to see if any girls were left behind and bile raised up his throat when he saw one badly beaten up.

He hurried to her and knelt beside her, he gently placed his finger on her throat to check for a pulse.

It was too late.

Her body was as cold as ice.

No matter how many time he- Sean, the captain of the team- has seen dead bodies in his career, he still hasn't gotten used to it. He couldn't get rid of the feeling of guilt, regret and worthlessness. If only he was a little earlier, if only he was competent enough.

Sometimes all he wanted to do was resign from his job and do something else but when he sees people thanking him for finding out what happened to their murdered family member, he could only bear it a little and feel content.

His back stiffened as he heard a gun click.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" One of the guard said with the leader beside him, who looked furious having caught an intruder right before one of the biggest auction.

Riley was right beside the leader and couldn't do anything so as to not expose herself and ruin the mission and could only look at him concerned.

"I was searching for the bathroom and accidentally stumbled across this room." He lied. Usually he isn't this bad at lying but he couldn't come up with a better lie since there was a dead body of a, no more than, 15 year old right beside him and the fact that there was a huge pressure on his shoulder as to not ruin this important mission.

"Do you think I'm a fool?-" the guard started but his voice turned to barely above a whisper before he fell to the ground, unconscious. He too drank the drugged drink. 

Riley and Sean realized that the drink was starting to work since more than half the body guards fell unconscious leaving behind only 5 of them from the original 13 guards.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?" The leaded yelled angrily and kicked the body of one of the guards.

"The plan to take you down." Riley replied as she placed the nozzle of the gun against his head.

The man stiffened and blanched.


"And let me guess, everyone clapped." Lillian teased her sister.

It has been 5 years since she has officially been diagnosed with schizoid.

It didn't affect her life all that much, sure she found it hard to be intimate or talk with others but she has always been that way so it didn't really affect her life all that much.

"Ohh C'mon, I was really cool, wasn't I?" Riley asked with that puppy dog face, asking to be praised.

"Yes,  you were really cool." Lillian said and chuckled, petting her head.

"Anyways I gotta narrate the story to mom and dad too, so bye. I heard Issac was coming next week." She said getting up from the chair and informed Lillian.

Lillian hummed.

Riley rolled her eyes, it was still quite hard to read her sister's facial expression despite living with her for 8 years.

"By the way, give this file to Stephenie on your way out." Lillian said throwing the file to Riley.

Riley thinned her lips and playfully glared at her. "You know, you gotta get off the chair sometimes." She said and walked out the door.

"Lillian asked me to give this to you." Riley said and kept the file on the her cabin. Riley tried to keep any interaction with Stephanie short since she was a bitch who hated people born with silver spoon.

"Must be nice having rich parents." Stephenie muttered under her breath.

Riley took a deep breathe and tried to control her temper.

"Yea it is. You should try having some."

This made Stephenie glare at her. She has been holding a grudge against Lillian since she got the promotion Stephenie wanted, though Stephenie had been working for the company longer than her.

"If it wasn't for your parents, you all would not even be half as successful as you are now."

"Is this what you say to make yourself feel better at night?"

Stephenie grinned her teeth hearing that. Gosh, she hated Riley. Unlike her sister who was a rude, stuck up bitch who felt superior to others and never talk to them, Riley was just a bitch.

Stephenie turned her head sideways with an attitude and Riley stifled a yawn.

'Didn't I tell ya, she a bitch.'

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