Chapter 67

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"You know she heard it, right?" Sean's voice shook her off her thoughts. Though he spoke in an even tone, there were slight hints of perturbation as he made uneven paused between each word.

"Yes...." Riley trailed off, a slight waved of regret started to explode in the pits of her abdomen. The lines were well rehearsed and approved by Casey before hand, but actually saying it out.... it was different.

It made it more real.... a convincing real, something they needed but it doesn't change the fact the words were hurtful. And spoken for the same.

"Is the guy prepared?"

Now that phase one of their mission was complete, they had to prepare themselves for phase 2.

If Casey was right, she would be getting 'manipulated' by Jason to be a double agent.

But not knowing if Casey was safe for sure made way for an unsettling ans uneasy feeling to brew in her chest.

Nevertheless, she needed to have faith. Casey will attack him internally while they take him on externally.

"As ready as one can be." Sean replied in affirmative like he was in a daze.

Before Riley can asking more information regarding the mission, her phone vibrated.

"Hang on, I'm getting a call." She mumbled under her breath, grabbing her phone that she tossed away after the call with Jason.

She sat up straight in surprise as she eyes hovered over the familiar name in surprise.


She let her thumb hang over the red icon for awhile, silently debating if she should pick up or not. Her insides screamed at her to go with the former. Her hunch saying he wasn't calling her to just casually talk about them. Rather, something important.

Blowing a breath out, she slid the green telephone icon and brought her phone closer to her ear.

She'd keep the call professional. She told herself.

For a minute neither of them spoke, letting the silence do the talking in their stead. The heavy silence acted as a bolster between them, harboring their communication more efficiently than any distance could.

There were words that formed in their heads, but they didn't have enough or the right words to say.

"Have you met my dad before?" Alex was the first to break the cold silence.

The words- though it shouldn't have- disappointed Riley who hoped it had something to do with them.


Nodding his head as he leaned against the cold wall, he spoke again. "He knew you."

Riley let out the breath that got trapped in her throat at the sudden dropped bomb.

"He's a good man and he is Vincent's friend. He wouldn't have done... what you're thinking off." He told her. His tone decisive, as if he knew how the message would be interpreted on the other side, and turned silent at the end- unable to get himself to say the word.

Gulping down her saliva. "Thank.. you, for the information." She tried to hide the quiver in her tone.

One of her worst fears came to light. Their speculation. Carl had a good enough motivation to go after Vincent. 

Another wave of silence engulfed them.

"Alex.... about us..." She trailed off, wanting to ask but not sure if she had the right to.

"I need time. This whole thing, is just- a mess." He said with a sigh.

She nodded.

"What if.... your father.." Treading the water lightly she probed.

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