Chapter 24

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"This project contains 25% of your marks this semester so make sure you don't slack off. This is to be done in pairs and partners are already decided so come meet me after the class to see who you got." The teacher explained.

Lillian clicked her pen in boredom. A quarter percentage for a project? Sounds easy.

Unlike her detective sister, Lillian chose accounting. She was always good with numbers and didn't like working in groups.


Lillian went towards the podium- where the teacher was standing and looked at her.

She then found out that she was assigned to work with a flirt who was failing in most- if not all- his classes.

She groaned internally. She knew the teacher had something against her since the beginning!

Since it was obvious she had to do the project alone, she started wondering what the project should be about- as long as it involves taxation the teacher said they can choose any topic of their choice.

Her phone pinged, breaking her out of her thoughts.

'How was class today?'
~ Issac.

Ohh and did she mention that Issac and Lillian are dating now!!

They first started getting closer through texts after the twins left for college, and then one day Issac popped the question and Lillian said yes. But don't tell anyone, they are keeping it a secret from others.

'Good. How is your day going?'

'I want a new father 😭'

'Why lol'

'The crazy manic who birthed me just  won't let me eat peacefully.'


'😒 Glad to see my pain amuses you, sadist.'

But before she could say anything she bumped into someone and dropped her phone.

"Watch where your going." The man she bumped into grumbled out.

Lillian rolled her eyes and picked up her phone and was about to leave when he grabbed her wrist.

"You are my partner for that stupid project, aren't you?" He asked, squinting his eyes.

Only then did she realize that she bumped into Henry- her project partner.

Lillian nodded.

"Great." He muttered under his breathe and dragged her by the wrist.

She tried to free herself but he was going too fast and could only let herself be manhandled.

Soon he stopped in front of a Cafe and gestured her to get in.

She looked at him suspiciously as she started getting creepy vibes from him.

She pushed the door open and let herself in then sat on one of the empty tables. The Cafe was by no means empty, it had a lot of people as it was closer to the university.

Henry sat on the chair across her and scanned her with his eyes.

"Look I've always liked you and would like to date you." He said directly.

This made Lillian's heart speed up. Why was he confessing to her? They haven't even talked once.

And she couldn't shake of the feeling something bad was going to happen.

"So what's your answer?" He asked as he folded his arm over his chest.

Lillian shook her head. Now that's off the table, they could get to working on the project.

"Did you just reject me?" Henry asked, looking shocked out of his mind.

Lillian nodded her head. Can they at least now get to the project?

"Well then I won't help you with the project." He stated, slumping on the chair like a disobedient, stubborn child.

"Alright." Lillian muttered under her breathe and got off the chair, prepared to leave but before she could Henry grabbed her wrist.

"You think you're the greatest but let me break the truth to you sweetheart, you're not. In fact you are not even worth my time." He spat out angrily.

Not liking his touch one bit Lillian muttered an 'ok' not affected one bit by his criticism.

His touch burned her. As if his hand was a shackle to a cage that was preventing her from leaving.

She needed to leave. She wanted to leave.

"Let go of my sister this instant." A female's voice filled with venom said, making them turn their head towards the voice, Riley.

Lillian used this moment to break free. She wanted to wash her hands, his touch felt violating.

Riley wasn't alone. There was a man in a police uniform beside her.

"Ma'am was he harassing you? Do you want to file a complaint against him?" The cop asked stepping forward to ease the tension. Riley looked murderous, as if she wanted to kill Henry.

Lillian took a look around her and noticed she was the center of attention, and left.

Maybe this was what broke the camel's back. This was the last push she needed to talk to a psychiatrist.

The policeman watched Riley's replica leave and turned towards Riley.

"Maybe we should leave." He suggested hesitantly, scratching the back of his neck.

Riley stepped forward so she stood directly in front of Henry and punched him in the throat, knocking him off his feet.

She then turned around and dusted her clothes. "NOW, let's leave."


'Don't back out now, Lillian.' Lillian told herself. This is her chance to confirm her suspension.

"Lillian Black. You're up." The receptionist said.

'It's too late to back out now.'

She opened the door to the psychiatrist's office and entered it.

"Please take a seat." The psychiatrist said, gesturing towards the chair.

"Do I have schizoid?"

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