Infringement [33]

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Y/n doesn't feel like getting up, everything seems like such a huge ask and she feels sick, her bones ache and the idea of even moving is hard. It's a Sunday, the trial is in 9 days, it was originally a 7 days wait and now she'd have to wait, again.

She was sleeping in Taeko's room, they both were laying down next to eachother until Taeko got up to most likely read. She heard the soft creak of a door opening, her head turned in the direction of the sound and she sees Taeko's mother (Tamami). "Good morning, honey, did you have a good night's sleep?" Taeko's mother smiles warmly, kneeling down by her side.

It's strange to be in a house with an older woman in the house, since the passing off her mother and her being left behind with her father. She can still vividly see, the plates stacked up in the sink, covered with mushed food and forks crusted with food. Her house was an entire mess, so it was refreshing to be inside a clean house for once.

She nodded, Taeko's mother looked like an older version of her with shorter hair, wearing a red cardigan and being an overall better version of her daughter. "I'm sure it will do you well, getting some fresh air. Taeko's room must get suffocating for you eventually." She spoke, standing up and looking through her daughter's closet to toss Y/n a hoodie she found.

Y/n sat at the Yamada's family table, Taeko's father (Daisuke) was sneakily feeding their dog a piece of bacon, while Hanakō pouted refusing to eat at all, since he wanted crisps for breakfast and Taeko was reading a book at the table while her mother placed Y/n's plate down. It was all so chaotic yet it felt so comforting and...Nice.

"Hanakō! Your not a baby, eat your dinner before I treat you like a baby and feed it to you!" Tamami threatens, hitting him lightly with a wooden spoon she was conveniently holding and he let out an 'ouch' while he rubbed his head.

Y/n scoffed down the food, without a second thought and it tasted absolutely amazing. "Taeko, no reading at the table and Daisuke stop feeding our dog bacon!" Tamami, was going after everyone and anyone that moved, except Y/n, only giving her warm smiles and extra bits off food making Hanakō complain and pout.

"You look so beautiful Y/n! I love your hair, I can already think of the amazing styles I can give it- Tadeo, put down that newspaper you silly boy!" Tamami, turns mum mode on and she is trying to get the newspaper out of their fluffy dogs mouth, that isn't planning on letting it go anytime soon.

Y/n can't-be bothered to style it, she'll just wear a hood over it, plus Taeko's mother is too busy and Taeko's dad can't do hair if his life depended on it, (according to Taeko). Taeko's mothed stops her to give her a bag and then Y/n walks towards the park. Y/n sat down on a swing, looking at the blades of grass pointing up to the cloudy sky, with rays of sun managing to poke through.

She was just taking in the moment and inhaling the fresh air. She has a bag of flowers in her lap, as she's heading to the graveyard after this. That strange feeling that someone is watching her, makes her stalker radar activate, she bets he is about to strike and make her his next victim

She sees someone with black hair in the distance and she gets up, getting prepared to leave till she sees someone else.


He runs up to her, with his hair bouncing each time his foot made contact with the floor and his grin was to die for. He ran to sit next to her on the swings and he waited a bit to catch his breath before he said anything, "Y/n, I'm glad I saw you here."

She couldn't help but feel her heart beat inside her chest, she smiled back subconsciously and her face felt warm. When he spoke she felt like she was floating up to the sky's, when he waved at her in the hallways and when they walked all over town after school, he just made her feel so special...

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