A Generous Serving of Death [8]

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The thick blanket of the night sky covered the streets, the street lamps lit the way he had to go to Amao's family bakery. He wore a hoodie and a mask to obscure his face so he looked unrecognizable to onlookers ,who traversed the street, and to potential class mates he might run into.

For some, night was the time their day had just begun whether it was for work reasons, night clubs, hanging out with friends or just for the fun of it, Ayato was out with a tools in his backpack with one goal in mind.

To sabotage everything Amao knew and loved.

It also reminded him of the time snuck into Taeko's house, watching her chest go up and down as she breathed her long hair everything about her was going to be his yet his eyes have been looking to another.

He cut a piece of her hair off to keep with him, his heart beat raced, he must ask his mother about her experiences with love to give him an idea.

He had snuck into the bakery from the staff and luckily civilian's were two busy walking up and down the streets to notice the mysterious figure, he dropped his backpack to the floor and a clank was heard, due to the equipment in his bag.

He analysed the area and spotted zero camera's, it seems they believed no one would do such a thing to them and that would be their downfall.

He pulled the crowbar at, looking at it from top to bottom then he put the tip in-between the crease between the door and then at first gently applied pressure and increased it till he heard a click and he successfully opened it.

He closed his bag and swung it over his shoulder before entering, with his crowbar still in hand, ready to finish off anyone in sight.
His foot steps were light and calculated, and he approached the kitchen, he had previously looked online for health and safety and reason why bakeries would get shut down.

So putting his knowledge to good use he pulled at the oven, grasping it and pulling on it. He heaved with every pull definitely pulling every muscle in his body, till it revealed an extremely dirty wall, covered by the oven and wires strung to the oven like string.

He unzipped his backpack and remove a knife, placing it on a wire and pulling back and forth till he cut straight through, he then put the knife's tip under the rubber then turned it and cut upwards. He repeated the process exposing more wire and then got a screwdriver out and began unscrewing a socket till it's wires were exposed.

He subconsciously began humming a song, Y/n had sent him, it was the audio in some random cat video, she sent and two cats were fighting in it, he recalls specifically her typing under the video 'the battle of the pussies 💀'.

Her humour was surely something in a sense, she didn't care what people said about her being Musume sister, after all why would she care when her website has all their secrets.

Yes, he found out about her account, many things gave it away she never had an account of her own, her and the photography club leader spoke about it and info chan provided him with a few hints as well.

Kokona and Saki also invited him to join them along with Y/n to go to some arcade and they actually had a good time. They took a photo in front of that arcade with piece signs up and everything.

He went to open the refrigerator and look at the fresh fruits stored there, he took them out and replaced them with some rotten fruit he had stole from the garden club and unplugged it. He decided to get a move on because things were starting to take a while and began to use full force to smash plates and glass and scattered the pieces that glistened like diamonds under rugs, mats, tables and anywhere someone had the chance of stepping on it.

He even stole all the gloves and hair nets staff were supposed to use, he began pounding the crowbar into the wall, searching for a gas pipe. His breathe was raggedy and unsettled and his chest went up and down quickly. He tried to greedily inhale some air as the strength he once had in his arms were gone and he stared down at the pipe.

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