Her? [5] *

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Y/n walks down the street, alongside her two best friends, Kokona and Saki. As they walk Y/n stomach twists in pain and growls like a hungry beast that hasn't been fed in days, "I didn't get anything to eat this morning, my dad rushed me out the house just so he could give his 'precious princess' a phone I asked for first." Y/n starts, rolling her eyes after recalling the scream Musume let off when her dad gave it to her.

"I regret giving you my box of Pocky, now I'm so hungry and I could eat the whole thing, including the box."Y/n begins over sharing way to much and Kokona gives her a blank stare, she gives Kokona a light shove to her side. She receives much more than she bargained for, getting a huge shove that felt extremely personal with a mix off a grudge Kokona must have against her, almost knocking her into the road.

Saki flushes red, quickening her pace as she's clearly embarrassed due to the bystanders watching the trio hard, "Saki! Hey, wait up!" Kokona pants, running after her and Y/n chases after the both of them despite the feeling off dropping dead at any second. They arrive to school, looking like sweaty hot messes yet they pain no mind to the people watching them as they walk by, they simply laugh, happy that they have eachother.

"I am so tired-" Y/n is cut off by the sight off Midori attempting to jump onto that raven headed boys back and instead pushing him forward, knocking into Kuu dere. "Yato-Kun! Yato-Kun! Did the game developer in the sky stop you from answering my calls?" Midori beams, seeming to be running purely on sugar as she's running around in a circle around kuu dere and that boy.

"Well, Midori, the 'game developer' in the sky told me to finish my homework. Instead off picking up your calls to play Yanvania of the night." He responded with a light chuckle, Y/n simply watched their conversation but what was interesting was all the people who waved at him as he passed. She knew he was popular but not this popular. "Y/n? It looks like your fixated on your new partner." Saki adds, distracting her from the people smiling as he walked past.

"What did you say? I mean, yeah totally." Y/n didn't hear a single word she said but Saki clicked her fingers in front of Y/n's face, drawing her eyes away from the ink headed boy, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I agree." Y/n nods, still not listening till a sharp sting is prevalent on her cheek. Y/n holds her cheek in pain, with tears at the corner off her eyes. Did Saki just slap her? "What the hell." She glares at Saki and she simply shrugs as they arrive to their locker's.

"I don't know why you hate him Y/n, I saw you giving him a huge glare. He's an okay person, you just have to try loosen up a bit and I'm sure you two will get on." Kokona reassures her, there's something inside Y/n's heart that just doesn't trust him, he can easily blend in and out of a crowd with ease and she can't help but feel slightly jealous. He also knows exactly what to say like he's been programmed or something, especially when he's with Midori, she can say the most random stuff yet he can hand it all so well.

There's something so mysterious and hidden about him, even his steps are calculated and his eyes are always scanning a crowd, he acts as if he's laid all his cards onto the table. Though, in reality, her gut says otherwise, "I guess I'll try Kokona but no promises." Y/n replies, Kokona blinks up at her awaiting the answer she actually wants to hear, "Yes, Kokona. I will be kind, perfect and an absolute joy to him. Will that satisfy you Kokona?" Y/n scoffs, Kokona rolls her eyes playfully before walking off to drama club and Saki goes off to the cooking club.

Y/n opens up her locker, revealing stickers on the interior, her recent crush Gasai Yuno, pictures off her favorite people in the world Kokona and Saki, another picture of the photography club and her and lastly the shoes she swaps her outside ones with. As Y/n was taking her shoes off, she feels a slight brush against her shoulder, she turns and then tilting her head up slightly while stepping back. It's him.

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