Obsessed [18]

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While Y/n was occupied with boy problems, Saki, Kokona and Frueddo set out for the science club, where they had originally given the sample of hair Frueddo and Y/n found to the club leader, Kaga Kusha.

It was safe to say he was absolutely mad, all three of them could recall atleast one event were they walked past the science lab only to hear maniacal laughter, belonging to him. He definitely takes his club to seriously or the fumes must of really messed him up.

The Science Club is located on the third floor in the west wing of the school. It has a gray floor and walls, and a black ceiling with green lights.

Each club member has a work station that fits their area of expertise. In the center of the back wall, Kaga has a super computer with two holographic walls on either side.

In the back left corner, Horo has a series of holographic displays that he controls with a tablet. Along the front wall, Yaku works at a chemistry table, and Meka works on a machine that sits on the floor.

Along the right wall is a changing station where members of the club change out of their school uniforms and into their club uniforms.

And for some reason there is a large vat of acid beside the right door.

They all choose not to question it, mainly out of fear, Kaga has messy, silver hair fading to blue like a stereotypical mad scientist.

He also has light blue eyes with a blue eyepiece over his left eye.

Kaga wears a long, white lab coat with a slit in the back and gold rubber gloves, he laughed psychotically ''HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA- erm sorry about that. Welcome...to my lair! I, I mean...the Science Club. What do you seek?"

"We gave you a hair follicle a few days ago, so we were wondering if you did a DNA scan yet?" Saki asks, slightly concerned by Kaga's behavior.

"A minor setback occured, and it seems our machine might have...been dropped, therefore we can not conduct the experiment as the hair- Well is gone as well." Kaga spoke in a serious tone with his arms crossed.

They all sighed.

Y/n was currently sitting around the ritual circle with Oko standing in front of the skull, chanting a ritual with his book in the center. Club members surrounded it and they joined in the chant.

No one noticed the door slowly opening or the person recording it either.

Oko picks up the bag he found and tips it upside-down opening it up, and a dead bird lands out with a thud. Y/n recoils and stares up at Oko in shock and disgust, "I thought we were doing a ritual! Not a sacrifice, I didn't know this is what this club was about! I'm leaving." Y/n spat getting up to leave and the person at the door took off.

"Y-y/n no that's- I didn't do that..." Oko tried to explain, but Y/n already rushed out the door, her legs burnt and so did her lungs but she made sure she was as far from the occult club as possible. She only slowed down when she spotted the student council, her chest heaved in and out, and she laid her head against a wall.

She inhaled more oxygen as she slumped down onto the grassy floor.



A cute kitten was stared up at her, eyes filled with pure curiosity and adventure, she patted it lovingly and decided to spill her heart out, "Nothing is going right for me anymore..." Y/n spoke with her hands mindlessly stroking the precious ball of fluff.

A ding. Made her fish her phone out of her pocket and she typed in her password, seeing the message from her group chat titled 'Mystery Inc' with Frueddo, Kokona and Saki. They texted depressing news and it doesn't help her mood at all, the evidence she found had been lost and she doesn't even know where to start.

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