The dead tell no tales [20]

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There Oko was, his picture was held up by a canvas and a white table placed in front, with bouquets of flowers placed on top. Ayato had somehow gotten a seat next to Y/n, and she felt so uncomfortable the whole time, she had to pick her nails just so she didn't have to stare into Oko's eyes or his.

She had let him down, and she could never get him back.

To many people's surprise, Y/n had bought a bouquet to place down, in honor of Oko's life despite him stalking her, she knows he was a kind hearted person.

She had heard the principal's same speech threes times now and his words rang through her head. Taeko sat on the other side of her, with a tissue in hand. Taeko urged her to take it and she did, wiping away some of the tears that ran down her face.

She was sitting next to a murderer.

And he was sitting next to a detective.

Y/n felt angry with herself, believing his lies when her friends told her he was nothing but trouble. Even before the announcement of Oko's death she had received a note saying "I know who you are."

What could she even do?

She was definitely next and the thought chilled her to the bone Amao, Kizano and Oko looked down at her from the stage, Oko's neck was bruised with a dark purple and yellow. His head was at an angle were his head was rested on his shoulder and the bruised line of the rope wrapped around his entire neck was as clear as day.

Soon she'd join them.

There was a purplish blue tint to his face, and Oko's neck snapped straight back into place making her flinch, and Ayato and Taeko stopped to look at her before looking back to the stage.

Ayato stared at her a little longer with a sympathetic gaze, their eyes met and she would have fallen for his tricks if she didn't know so much.

Ayato turns his head back to the stage, he notices how uncomfortable she feels, she picks at her nails and she sweats slightly. It doesn't matter how traumatized she is as long as he can have her.

She noticed the rope around Oko's neck, more specifically a noose.

He had been found hanging like a balloon a child had let go. She tried her hardest to stay by his side, and help as much as possible but he looked at her with fear in his eyes, reminding her off and deer staring at head lights.

He killed himself at school, someone had found him and he was past the point of being saved. Ayato had done this.

She hated him.

Every single thing about him.

The anger boiled deep inside of her and it was rising so high she was afraid she'd just snap, and lose it completely. She felt that kind of anger that was a flame, being fueled every second she was near him, she hated him as a whole. Those hands she had touched, had been the same hands that had committed atrocities, ending lives and ruining reputations.

She had to take a deep breath, to release all the tension out of her muscles.

The assembly had ended but she could feel someone's gaze on her, Beruma Dinkuri. She has short, somewhat bobbed, dark purple hair with side-swept bangs. Dark blue eyes and wears brown, square-framed glasses, she also has small freckles dotted around her face.

She had six a stromg sense of justice, yet for SE reason she believed Y/n had killed them all because she was seen with them at least once.

Bermuda would definitely be troublesome.

Ayato places his hand on her shoulder and leans forward, "I'm sure Oko is in a better place now" Ayato whispered and Y/n felt like punching him so hard, he'd land in a coffin.

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