Love Rival

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Colten's POV

"Who was that?" Joel asked me. I just got off the phone with Max.

"That was the others. Apparently there was a bounty on Rose for $100 billion for safe capture. They're following a lead there and will let us know when they get more information."

"Fuck!" He yelled out. We realized shortly after we lost touch with Rose that Sophie was missing also. We know she went shopping with Rose and thought she went to see Sebastian after but he hadn't heard from her. She was also unavailable through the mindlink.

So now we're here in Texas looking for Rose's ex's place. Currently we are sitting at a coffee shop and going through our list of apartments.

"There's only one left to go check, it's right around the corner from here." I told Joel. The search hasn't been fruitful so far. The first had a crackhead who offered us blowjobs in exchange for money, the one after had an old lady, the other two were families which made those a bust, so now we're down to the final apartment. After paying for our coffees we went to the apartments and looked for the unit number.

*knock, knock, knock*

"Dude why do you have to do a cop knock?" I asked Joel. He looked at me incredulously.

"What the fuck is a cop knock?" He asked. I sighed, dumbass.

The door then opened and some beef cake opened up.

"Can I help ya'll?" He asked in his southern drawl.

"We're looking for Garrett." I answered.

"Yo Garrett, it's for you." He left the door cracked and walked off. We stood there waiting until a tall, built blonde haired guy walked up.

"Ya'll probably have the wrong place. I don't recognize ya'll. Sorry." He went to close the door and Joel stopped it with his shoe.

"No this is the right place. We're looking for Rose." He told him.

His eyes lit up in recognition.

"Are ya'll the mates? Come in! And what the fuck do you mean you're looking for her? There's five of you, how can you lose her?!" He nearly spat out.

Whoa chill dude.

"She's been taken, you're one of our suspects." I tell him. He barked out a laugh, "you gotta be joking me. Why would I take her? She obviously has five guys on her side, you think I'm trying to get killed?" He seemed pretty genuine to me. "You know it makes sense, I was texting her yesterday and she all of a sudden stopped. I thought she just ghosted me, didn't think something happened." He scoffed. "Seriously how the fuck did ya'll let this happen?"

We were all still standing in the doorway and he motioned for us to follow him. We went to the kitchen and sat a table where there were two older, similar looking guys.

"Who are these clowns, Garrett?" One of them asked.

He waved at us, "these are Rose's mates, we haven't done introductions. He pointed to the taller one with a beard, this is Michael, he pointed to the other one that was clean shaven, this is George. Now who are ya'll?" He asked us pointedly.

"I'm Colten, this is Joel," I introduced us.

"So hold up, Rose's mates, I always knew she was too much woman for you, Garrett." Michael laughed and punched Garrett on the arm, "I can't believe she has two mates, that's wild."

"No, she doesn't have two mates, she has five." I tell him. I swear his eyes popped out of his head at that information.

"Shiiiittt, that's even more wild as fuck!" He answered. Garrett sat there looking like he was done with his brother's interruption.

"Anyway, she's been kidnapped and she's very pregnant. My sister was with her and she's also missing. We need to find them asap. We believe that Rose was taken by Asmodeus, he put out a large bounty for her. We aren't sure what happened with Sophie but we are thinking she was also taken"

"The prince of hell Asmodeus?" George finally chimed in, looking like he didn't quite believe us.

"Yes, that very one." Joel answered.

"Well now that you know she isn't here you gentlemen better run along." George started to shoo us out of the apartment, when we made it outside he slammed the door shut and locked it. Joel and I looked at each other in disbelief. The door clicked and opened back up and Garrett slipped outside.

"Count me in, I want to help. Things didn't work out with me and Rose but I still loved her. Frankly still do. You guys are some lucky bastards and I can't believe you let her get kidnapped. I'll help but keep in mind that from now on I'm your rival in love." He puffed out his chest and stared the both of us down. What the fuck.

Rose's POV

Sophie and I were following the snooty butler out the door and down a flight of stairs. He led us to a dining table that looked pretty normal, not like the pretentious décor of the rest of the place.

"So you think my décor is pretentious?" A cool voice whispered behind me. I gasped, I didn't hear anyone approaching. Wait did he read my mind? He laughed behind me and I felt warm hands touch my bare shoulders gently, making me shiver.

"Yes dear, I read your mind. Cool party trick, right?" He stepped in front of me and looking at him left me speechless. He was the tallest man I've ever seen with jet black hair, dark blue eyes and light stubble. He appeared lean but you could tell he was all muscle in his tight shirt and pants. He had strong, veiny arms and had porcelain skin.

"Thank you for all the compliments ladies, you two are looking fantastic, as well."

Sophie and I looked at each other and blushed. Who is this guy?

"Ah yes well how silly of me. You can call me Prince A. I'm afraid my name is too old fashioned. It's very nice to meet your acquaintance Rose and Sophie." He took each of our hands and placed warm kisses on the back of them.

Shit I'm in trouble. I've never been so captivated by anyone before. Thank god I have such handsome mates otherwise I may be tempted by this tall god-like man. He must be Asmodeus, one of the princes of hell.

"You're correct, my dear Rose." He winked at me before sitting down and snapping his fingers. Immediately several servants came up from behind us and placed a small feast of roast, cheesy potatoes, cakes and a red beverage that I suspect is blood. How did he know all my favorite foods?

" I know everything about you, and I hope you want to know more about me. Especially since I was so kind to bring your best friend with you instead of letting her become a part of some lowly vampire's harem." I noticed Sophie shiver at the thought. That's right, I remember the vampire telling the demon he wanted her for his harem. I don't know if she's better off here but I'm thankful I'm not alone. He winked at me again before saying, "dig in! Nothing is poisoned or drugged, we want those babies healthy after all." I looked at him in disbelief. I find it hard to believe he cares about the fate of my babies.

"You're right, I could care less whether they live or die, but I know you care so for now we will keep them happy and healthy. So let's listen to what I say, or else." He gave me a devilish grin that made me shudder in worry for my babies. I have no choice but to listen to him for now. How am I supposed to escape someone who can read my every thought?

Asmodeus' s POV

I was enjoying watching Rose squirm every time I heard her thoughts. She was truly a beauty to behold, especially with her stomach swollen. I can't wait to play with her and impregnate her. She may think there's a way to escape but I always get what I want and nobody can escape me. From now on her every move will be tracked. If she thinks of doing anything I don't like, I not only have her babies to hold hostage but also her best friend. I didn't bring her to be kind, I brought her so I could hold her life hostage. With time she'll forget her mates even existed and I'll become her whole world.

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