Red Day Festival

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Rose's POV

We arrived at the castle and the first thing I noticed were all the decorations. There were red streamers, balloons, signs that said "Red Day Festival", and vendors were lining the roads leading up to the castle entry road.

I walked in holding Max's hand, reminiscing about how our first meeting was literally by chance. All my other men were already in the front room, waiting on us and chatting with Mason, a guy who looked similar to him which is most likely his brother, and a busty petite brunette who smells like wolf.

"Rose! Maximus! Welcome!" Mason called out and swooped in to get a hug from me and a handshake from Max. "Please meet my brother Sebastian", we shook hands with the gentleman, "and more importantly my mate Kat." Holy shit. He found his mate? A huge smile made a home on my face while I went and gave the tiny woman a squeeze. "So nice to meet you!" I chirped out.

"You too Rose, I heard so much about you!" She grinned. I gave Mason a side eye and he nodded in affirmation. So looks like he told her everything. I'm so excited for them! I'm pleased that he found his own mate and she looks like a friendly woman.

"How did you two meet?" Colten asked.

"We met at a bar actually. She didn't believe me at first when I told her I used to be a vampire, thought I was joking. She was very straightforward, came right up and told me I was her mate, though she was expecting more resistance thinking that I've always been a human." Mason explained while rubbing small circles with his thumb on Kat's hand.

We all continued to chat for awhile, catching up and getting to know Sebastian and Kat, until a servant arrived, "dinner is ready sir." She told Sebastian. We all stood up and followed him to the dining area to get served. I've noticed that Sebastian isn't very chatty. He seems like the opposite of Mason, though I don't know him to well. I felt like he was constantly glancing at me but whenever I looked his way he wasn't looking my direction. Weird.

The spread that was presented was truly fit for a king. Every time that I looked at Mason or Kat they were giving each other goo goo eyes. Is that how I look at my mates? Whoops sorry Sophie. I wish she could've come but once again she was missing. I wonder what's going on with her? She's been pretty absent lately.

"Fuck that's a good steak!" Brent shouted out, earning a laugh from most of the table. We all ate up pretty quickly and I felt like I ate enough food for five people. I patted my tummy and realized there was a solid bump there. Am I already showing? I know that hybrids develop faster than normal babies, there's just no telling how long it will take. I stood up from the table and went to Colten, ready to start the celebration. I've never heard of Red Day before but I went all out with my vampire costume. I was trying to be ironic, which I think I did well.

Colten wrapped his arm around my shoulders and we walked out of the castle and into the crowd. Sebastian stayed back, Mason and Kat went off on their own, and my mates and I went exploring. We passed many jewelry vendors, some of them with fine jewelry and others that were homemade with different gems, after fighting our way passed a particularly crowded section we came across a booth that claimed to be a fortune teller.

"Holy shit! Abigail?" Colten hollered. Abigail? That's the witch that helped my mates when Mason kidnapped me.

"Welcome all! It's so nice to see you again Rose." What does she mean by again?

"I'm sorry you must be mistaken. This is our first time meeting." I explained to her.

"Oh no dear, the last time we met you were just born. I'm the one who sealed your powers for your parents."

"You knew my parents? Do you know where they are? Why the sealed my abilities?" I spouted out question after question. Curiosity was killing me. This is the first time I met someone who had the answers I was looking for. I know the guys tried to get ahold of her after my return but they were unable to reach her.

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