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Damian's POV

All of us met back at the hotel except for Max.

"Where did the bastard go? He sent us a cryptic text and can't even be bothered to show up?" Sebastian said while running his fingers through his hair.

"Look, we have other things to worry about," I told them. "I found a demon, but she said that she can't even show me where a portal is. Hell is on lockdown right now."

"Fuck!" Brent yelled out.

"So what does this mean? We have to come up with a new plan?" Garrett interjected.

"Looks like it. Does anyone have any ideas?" I said.

We all stood around the room looking at each other. Finally after a long silence, Joel spoke up, "let me reach out to Abigail and see if she know another way in." He walked off with his phone in hand to call her.

Brent continued pacing the room.

"You're making me dizzy, stop it." Garrett drawled. Brent turned on him, pissed off, "my MATE is missing, so sorry if that's an inconvenience. You can leave at any time. Why the fuck are you even here?"

"I still love Rose! If I have to put up with your sissy ass, so be it. Now calm the fuck down before I have to teach you a lesson, wolf." Garrett bared his fangs at him.

Sebastian jumped between the two of them, "settle down before I teach BOTH of you a lesson."

"Abigail can't help us," Joel interrupted, "but she told me what we can do. She said to find one of the brothers, like Lucifer. Apparently Asmodeus and Lucifer don't get along."

"The prince of pride? I guess that makes sense. To be fair I don't think Lucifer gets along with any of them." Sebastian said.

Brent seemed to calm down at the idea of a new plan.

"So how do we get ahold of him?" I asked.

"We can summon him, but Abigail said that would piss him off. She said he resides in California." Joel answered.

"Well I guess we should go to California then." Brent answered. He strode off to his bedroom and started to pack.

"What about Max?" Colten asked.

"What about him? He's not answering his phone and we don't have time to waste." Brent answered from the other room.

"Don't you think that's unusual? After all Rose is his mate, too. I think something happened to him." Colten answered.

"Fuck! Dammit Max where are you?" Joel growled.

Maximus's POV

I'm willing my feet to walk away but I've already been ensnared by Monica's magic. She's probably still bitter about the last time we saw each other. She was the only somewhat serious relationship I had before, in her opinion anyway. I only saw her as a fling, though. She found out exactly how I felt when she walked in on me and a threesome. Needless to say, she gave me a hex that I had to find another witch to remove. I still remember that month I couldn't get it up. I shuddered as I remembered. My poor dick.

"Where are we going, Monica?" I asked her warily.

"We're going to my apartment, silly. It's not very far from here. You know you gave me trust issues but don't worry, I think we can overcome them. I've had time to think and maybe I wasn't adventurous enough for you. I've been experimenting in some BDSM and I have some toys that I think would be perfect for you."

"We can't do this Monica, I'm married."

She growled out, "I don't care! You ruined me for other men so now I'm going to ruin you for other women!"

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