𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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You saw JD was gone, and quickly rushed to your sister's side.  You helped her to her feet and began to make your way to the door, only to see the bag that had been sitting there was gone, and the door was shut.  You were still helping Veronica move to the door, only to find out where the bag was.

Want to know how you made this discovery?

JD smacked you right in the face with the bag.

You fell backwards, your nose burning, and Veronica quickly leaned over and grabbed the gun from your hand and looked around.  You massaged your nose, and Veronica began to struggle with JD again.

"You think that just because you started this, you can finish it," JD shouted.

"I'll kill you, I'll fucking kill you," Veronica shouted.  "I swear to god!  How do I turn off the bomb?!"

"Fuck you!"

JD pushed Veronica back, and rushed to protect his precious bomb.  Veronica stumbled backwards a few feet, and you practically jumped up.  You looked at your crazed ex, and then at your sister, who had the gun pointed at him.

"How do I turn off the fucking bomb," Veronica shouted.

Rather than respond with words, JD just flipped her the middle finger.  Veronica, pissed beyond the way words can describe, just fired the hand cannon.  And shot off JD's infernal and insulting finger.  

"ShIT," JD screeched, gripping the gaping wound in pain.

"It's all over Jason, just help us stop it," Veronica said a little too calmly.

"You want a clean slate as much as I do," JD snickered, that sadistic smile returning despite the pain.  "Alright, so maybe I am killing everyone in the school... but because nobody loves me!  Lets face it, the only place where different social types can get along is heaven!"

"Please, what button do I press to turn it off," you practically begged.

JD looked at you, and the anger in his eyes began to dissipate.  But he wasn't giving up yet.

"The red one," JD answered.

You and Veronica both turned to look at the bomb, only to see that the three buttons you could press... were all red.  Veronica readjusted her hold on the gun, but kept it aimed at JD.

"Seriously," JD began.  "People are gonna look at the ashes of Westerberg and say 'there is a school that self-destructed.  Not because society didn't care... but because the school was a society!'  Pretty deep, eh?"

"Which red button," Veronica seethed.

"Press the one in the middle to turn it off.  If that's what you really want..." JD trailed off.  "But you know what I really want babe?"

"What," you questioned hesitantly.

JD, yet again, didn't reply with words.  He lunged for Veronica, a switchblade in his hand glinting it the basement light.  The two began to struggle for a third time, and JD gave a verbal reply so you could understand.


Then the gun fired, and both teens stumbled backwards.  Veronica fell to the floor, and JD fell on to the boiler, his knife ending up in the middle button.  The timer stopped, and the bomb was shut off at four seconds before... boom!  You watched in horror, waiting to see who got stuck with a bullet in them.  Veronica practically popped up from the floor, and JD groaned while clutching his side.

"Did that suck for you, 'cause that kinda sucked for me," he said.

Then he let go of the boiler, and crumpled up on the ground.  You didn't know how to feel.  Sure, he was a maniac, but for the first time in a long time, someone cared about you.  Hell, he was willing to blow up the school for you!  But, you knew you shouldn't feel like this.  So you decided to bury these feelings and hope they would disappear eventually if you ignored them.

Veronica began to lead you upstairs, and she eventually went to find a seat on the bleachers.  You looked and saw that the cheerleaders were done, so your friend was no longer performing.  You didn't see a reason to stay, so you made your way outside.  You needed some fresh air.

You sat down on the concrete stairs, and looked out on the horizon.  Who knew how long it would be till someone cared about you again?  Well, at least it was nice while it lasted.  The only thing you would change is that you would stay the hell away from him after the first red flag, and ignored his smooth talking bullshit.

You heard the door open behind you, and you whirled around to see if it was your sister coming to join you.

"Color me impressed," JD giggled.

He began to make his way over, and you were quick to hop onto your feet in case you needed to fight him.  Your sister wasn't out here to save your ass this time.  And you didn't fail to notice the bandages he was holding close to his hand in an effort to keep pressure on the hole from

"Veronica fucked me up pretty bad," he informed you.  "She... she's got power I didn't think she had.  And you... you're special."

He walked right past you, and you watched as he made his way to the sidewalk in front of the stairs.  He opened up his coat, only to reveal another bomb duct taped around his chest like a belt.  And with the press of a button, small green letters blessed a screen with their appearance, giving JD only a minute left to live.  Soon, he would join his mother.

He looked at you... and couldn't hate you for lying to him.  He couldn't despise you for faking your death.  You had always been too good for him, he should've known that.

The clock stopped counting, and JD smacked the weapon of mass destruction, and it resumed it's countdown.

"Pretend I blew up the school.  Pretend I blew up all the schools.  What are you gonna do with your life," he asked.

At least he lived to see one final daily poll.

He expected you to run inside.  He expected you to try and find cover.  He expected you to quickly run over and smack him while you had the chance.  He expected you to curse him out for all of his short comings and misdeeds.

He didn't expect you to sigh, and sit back down.  You looked at him, and gave him a tearful smile.

"I'd just wait for the inevitable," you answered.

Then, from inside, Veronica heard a bang echo outside, and blinding light fill the windows to the gym for a few moments.  Everyone did.  So it was no doubt the reason everyone jumped from their seats to see what was the matter.  And there you were, standing outside, a nice new leather trench coat keeping you company as you made your way inside, the way a person might.

School shut down early from the mysterious explosion, and you pulled on JD's coat while you searched for your sister.  Then you found her in the hallway, chatting with Heather Duke.

"...yeah, Martha Dumptruck finally flatlined," Heather snickered, before noticing you.  "You look like hell!"

"Yeah?  Well I just got back."

You strutted over, with your frayed hair, singed and ash-covered coat, and face dark with the ash and smokey remains of your ex-lover making you look like you had just crawled up from the underworld.

You ripped the red scrunchie from her hair, and made your way to the exit.  Heather watched you in shock, when Veronica grabbed her shoulders, kissed her in the violet way JD had done with you, then quickly jogged to catch up to you.

"Wanna go grab some slushies," you asked with a smile.

"I would love nothing more," she replied.

A/n: daily question, for once, not Heathers related.  What's your favorite band?

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