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You were sitting on Martha's couch, the two of you sharing a blanket, with a bowl of popcorn separating you.  The movie 'The Princess Bride' with Cary Elwes as Westly, the leading male role.  You knew Martha loved this movie, that's why you brought your copy so the two of you could re-watch it together.

"Hey (y/n), have you been seeing anyone," Martha asked suddenly.  "Sorry if it seems intrusive, I just was wondering since you're a Heather now and you could have anyone at school, and-"

"No, it's fine," you quickly told her.  "There is one guy... although I don't know what to call it."

"Does he like you and you don't like him?"

"Not exactly... We met yesterday, but he said he loves me already.  And he was there to cheer me up after Heather threatening me at the party.  And it's nice to know that someone likes me for me, and not just for my sister or the Heathers.'  Other than you, of course, you'll always be my number one."

"Aw, thank you!  And what's this guy's name?"

"Jason Dean."

"The new kid?  He seems a bit creepy..."

"He kind of is.  But it just makes me feel like he could protect me from the Heathers.'  He could scare em' away n' shit.  Maybe my sister too."

"That's a nice thought."

"Yeah.  But as much as I want to have a happily ever after, I don't know if it's a smart choice," you said honestly.

"Well, we're teenagers.  It's our time to make stupid decisions!  And yeah, that guy is creepy, but Westly had to kidnap Buttercup to have their happy ending."

"That seems like terrible life advice," you chuckled.

"Well, it's not life advice, it's now advice.  Shoot your shot, I believe in you!"

You smiled and laughed a little, and Martha chuckled.  You two turned your attention back to the screen, and watched as the two lovers exited the fire swamp and got caught by the six fingered man.

"Do you think I'll ever find my Westly," Martha questioned.

"Of course!  You'll find your Westly, and your Inigo and Fezzik and Miracle Max... you'll have the world!  For now, it's just a matter of playing the waiting game."

"You really think so?"

"I know so."

You draped your arm over her shoulders and grabbed some more popcorn, holding Martha for the rest of the movie.  You knew that she like physical affection, even if it were merely platonic rather than romantic.  She was your best friend, and you wanted to reassure her as best you could.  You honestly couldn't picture life without her.

Too bad the Heathers' and your sister hated it when you two spent time together.

The way you met Martha was actually from your sister's old friend, Betty Finn.  She and Betty had apparently known each other since diapers, and had grown to be inseparable as they got older.  Then you came along, and became a third wheel to their dynamic duo.  But, you got to meet another one of Betty's good friends, Martha Dunstock.

You and Martha were the two who were left out, so naturally, you started to hang out together to make sure that you weren't alone, and you found out you had a lot in common, while maintaining some competing opinions.  You were both suckers for romance.  But you preferred tragedies such as Romeo and Juliet, and Martha adored happy endings such as 'The Princess Bride.'

You watched the screen intently, hearing Martha gasp in shock at moments she had memorized by heart.  It was honestly amusing.  It's always great to hear someone so excited by something they love, even if you'd seen it countless times.

You thought about the movie, and began to question what Martha had told you.

You were a teenager.  A stupid kid.  It's your time to make shit decisions.  So why not make a few?  Yeah, JD is a bad idea, and he was downright terrifying when you thought about his actions too hard.

But on the other hand, JD could be your Westly, here to protect you from the evil assholes that dare threaten you, such as the six fingered man (Kurt and Ram), and the terrible prince Humperdinck (the Heathers').  And he'd always be there for you when you were troubled by Vizzini (Veronica).  It sounded like a happily ever after, and one that even your dark humor could get behind.

Yeah, it sounded nice.

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