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You sat on your bed doing some weekend homework, so when you snuck off to Martha's house tomorrow, you could help her with anything and everything she had questions about.  You were flipping through her textbooks, and you heard a tapping on your window.  Looking over, you heard someone knocking on your window like a door.  Then a familiar head popped in through the window.

"Dreadful etiquette, I apologize," JD told you.

"It's... okay?"

You were confused and nervous, wondering how the hell he got your address, let alone figure out which window was to your bedroom.  It didn't take a genius like Veronica to figure out that there was a problem here.  But, you were also amused.  And a little amazed.  It wasn't normal human interaction like you had hoped, but hey, he still wasn't a Heather.

"I saw the croquet set up in the back, you up for a match?"

"Sure, but be warned, my usual role is the target."

"You can't be serious."

You made your way over to the window, and watched as JD slid down the ladder he had been standing on.  On the one hand, you just wanted to go out the door.  It was easier, and safer.  But a ladder through the window?  It seemed fun.  So, you climbed through, and made your way down the ladder.

You made your way to where you had all the croquet stuff stored, and you grabbed your assigned purple set, and watched as JD grabbed Heather's usual red.  The two of you made your way out to the back garden, the lights from inside the house illuminated everything you needed.  It was almost romantic.  Just the two of you, dim lights, not getting smacked in the head with croquet balls... too bad JD was kind of creepy to you still.

"So, your friends, why do you hate them so much," he asked.

"Well, they're more my sister's friends.  I'm just stuck with it so I don't drag down her social image," you explained.

You lined up the two wooden balls and readied the sports hammers, and you prepared your shot.

"So you don't have a choice?  Do you ever wanna just kill them and leave it all behind?"

"That's a very... straightforward way of asking," you said hesitantly.  "But not really.  Out of all the places I could be right now, while it really feels like it, this isn't the worst place I could be."

JD lined up his shot, ignoring your optimism towards the situation.  While you sulked when you were alone or with Martha, and you made your disdain for this clear to Veronica, you really did try to have a positive outlook on this.  Yes, your family didn't really care, and if you could trade them in for another one, you would definitely think strongly about doing so.  But, you could be in the Hell that other foster kids were in.  They didn't get placed with families, they were placed with people who only cared about the check they got for taking these kids in.

JD smacked Heather's lucky red ball, and it smacked into yours.  You wondered if he would be as rude as Heather when sending you out.

"So, I can either take two shots, or mess you up, right," he questioned.

"Yeah.  What'll it be?"

You leaned against your mallet like a cane, suddenly feeling grateful to be out of that blazer and into your normal everyday outfit.  The blazer restricted mobility, but the shirt you had on now was soft and somewhat stretchy, allowing you to actually move around.

JD lined up his mallet with the red ball, and sent it even closer to the hoop, rather than just pushing yours further back.  You were shocked by this, you didn't think you had seen anyone in your clique just take two shots.

"Well, your turn," he told you, gesturing to the purple ball.

"Right, sorry."

You lined up the shot, and were surprised when you managed to get the ball through the hoop.  You smiled and began to cheer in your head, when you felt someone's arm snake around your waist.

"Nice shot.  You've got some good aim," JD complimented.  "Your sister would be proud."

"Agree to disagree.  But thank you."

"You don't think she'd be happy you're getting the ball through the target rather than being the target," he said, sounding rather bewildered.

"Well, to be fair, she's a Heather.  I don't think she can be happy for anyone."

"Well, is there anyone that would be happy for you?"

You then proceeded to think about it.  Sure there was Martha, but your sister?  No.  The Heathers,' your supposed friends?  Absolutely not.  Your parents?  Probably to wrapped up in finger food pate and spy novels to care.  So just one person, and you couldn't even talk to her in public anymore.  You felt like the definition of pathetic.

"I'll be happy for you," JD said suddenly.

Before you could formulate a proper reply, he leaned over and kissed you.

Oh god.  Oh shit!  OH FUCK.  It was too early to be kissing him, you had literally met him earlier today!  And Jesus, talking about killing your friends and moving from place to place and bringing a gun to school and firing at people.  He didn't seem like the most stable of people.  And why did he never take off the trench coat?  There was already a gun in there, what else might be hiding away in some inner pockets?!

But the gunshots were just blanks, and he was firing at the two people who got half the cafeteria laughing at your best friend.  And for once, someone didn't know you just as 'Veronica's sibling.'  He was even offering to be happy for you whenever you made any achievements.  This guy whom you had only met today had managed to make you feel special.  For the first time in a long time, you felt happy with someone other than Martha.

So maybe that's why you didn't mind the fact that he kissed you.

When he pulled away, you smiled, and got a nice warm and bubbly feeling in your chest.

"You know, I think I love you like an alcoholic," JD told you.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"I know this is a bad idea, but I just really love you.  I feel like I need you like I need a gaping head wound."

"That got dark," you muttered.  "We only met today."

Before he could reply, a new light turns out upstairs, and a hallway window flew open, and your sister leaned out.

"(Y/N), WHAT THE FUCK," Veronica screamed.  "GET AWAY FROM THEM!!"

"I think that's my cue," JD muttered.  "I'll see you soon."

And with that, he ran off into the darkness, managing to escape your sister's wrath.  Speak of the devil, and she shall appear.  The door flew open and Veronica stormed out.  

"(y/n), who the hell was he?!"

"He was no one, I'm fine."

"Then haul your ass inside.  God, do I need to get someone to put a lock on your door and window?!"

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