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You were sitting on the floor of Ms. Flemming's 'Feel Class.'  All the desks had been moved to the sides of the room so that as many students as possible - including you - could fit inside.  It was like a can of sardines, but humans instead of fish, and sweat instead of grease.  You had managed to get a seat next to JD, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad.  Although, you could see Veronica sending him glances throughout the class.

"I'm just so thrilled to finally have an example of the profound sensitivity of which the human animal is capable," Ms. Flemming began.  "That example is Heather Chandler.  I have her note."

"That's terrible," you whispered.  "Using someone's death as an example only two days after it happened."

"At least the professor finally has a way to captivate the attention of your average seventeen year old," JD said.

Ms. Flemming held up a piece of paper, waving it around like a child with a small plastic trophy.  You knew what it was.  It was your 'friend's' suicide note.  Maybe you should have just pushed more, she could still be alive.

"Now, I'm going to pass this note around the class so you can all feel it's pathetic beauty for yourselves.  And while we do this, I feel this is a good opportunity to share the feelings this... suicide has spurred in us," Ms. Flemming began.  "Now, who would like to begin."

"I heard it was really gnarly," one student said.  "She sucked down a bottle of multi-purpose deodorizing disinfectant then SMASH!!"

"Uh, now Tracey, let's not rehash the coroner's report," Ms. Flemming chastised.  "Let's talk emotion!"

"I heard she drank a glass of no-rust-build-up," JD told you.

"Don't say that, we're SuPpOsEd To Be TaLkInG eMoTiOn," you sassed quietly.

You both chuckled, and out of the corner of your eye, you could see Veronica glaring at you.  So maybe you shouldn't be laughing at the class discussing the feelings caused by her best friend's suicide.  It was disrespectful.  But this friend of hers also hated you, and you didn't like discussing your feelings, so you were just trying to entertain yourself while not being seen by Ms. Flemming.

Then good ol' Peter Dawson piped up.

"Um, Heather and I used to go out, but then she told me I was boring.  But now I know I wasn't boring at all, she was just dissatisfied with her life."

You smiled.  You knew that you shouldn't laugh at Peter, he was nice to practically everyone, and one of the smartest seniors in the school.  You knew he didn't deserve any ridicule.  Yet the dude was off his rocker if he thought that he should be saying that in class.  

JD on the other hand, was openly snickering.  He knew that when Heather said it, she was being genuine.  She wasn't dissatisfied with life, she was just dissatisfied with him.  It was honestly kinda hilarious that he had just openly admitted it to the class.

The students in the room remained silent, judging Peter.  They probably knew it too.  The poor guy was just a loser.

"That's... very good Peter," Ms. Flemming responded awkwardly.

Suddenly, as if by magic, Veronica caught a glimpse of JD, and burst into laughter.  She was laughing harder and harder, and soon the other two Heathers' were glaring at her.  She kept laughing harder and harder until she was wheezing.  It was like the stupidity of this class and the shock and trauma from committing a murder was finally catching up to her.

"Hey," JD whispered, leaning over to you.  "Everyone's distracted, so why don't we leave?"

"I don't think that's a good idea," you replied quietly.

"Why not?  It's not like anyone would notice."

You looked at your sister, who was still howling with laughter.  The teacher and the Heathers' were glaring at her, and everyone else was just kinda looking.  Then you looked at JD.  Still wearing the large coat, even though the room was quite hot thanks to the body heat.

"This is a terrible idea," you replied, shaking your head.

Then he grabbed your hand.  Oh jesus, this wouldn't end well.  You could already feel a little blush creeping it's way onto your face.

"Don't keep doing that," JD demanded.

"Doing what?  Disagreeing with you?  I'm allowed to be nervous."

"No, you're mocking me," he told you.

"How am I mocking you," you asked, genuinely confused now.

"You're doing all of those small things I adore."

"Oh yeah?  And what would those be?"

"There's too many to count.  Now, how about skipping?  We can head straight to my house.  Maybe get slushies on the way."

You nodded a little, a little dazed by the compliment.  His grip on your hand tightened a little, and he began to slowly inch closer towards the door, which happened to be wide open so that more students could fit inside.  He was pulling you along, and you couldn't help but smile a little.

Damn, that boy knew how to play you like a fiddle.

When Veronica finally calmed down, she looked over to see what was happening with you and JD.  One person may think that she's trying to make sure that you aren't trying to take her man.  Another might argue that she wants to make sure the other killer in the room wasn't spilling the secrets about what they did to Heather C.  So imagine her surprise when neither of you were there anymore.  Hell, you weren't even in the room.

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