Chapter six; Je suis amoureuse.

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{Je suis amoureuse; I'm in love

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{Je suis amoureuse; I'm in love.}

"I hate the sand," 

"Sorry your highness, why don't we lay down the carpets for you," 

Aurora quietly laughs as she links arms with Poe, his jacket wrapping around her shoulders. The two walk side by side down the sandy dues as they leave town. 

"This is our second mission together, you think your father is finally trusting me?" Poe asks, taking Aurora's hand. 

"More than the last guy," 

"The guy Chewie literally threw over the Falcon because you were shot?" 

"That's the one." 

Poe smiles at her as Aurora and himself skid down the dune together. Aurora wraps her arms around BB-8 as he rolls from under the x-wing with a loud beeps rushing towards her. Poe watches with a smile, eyes lingering on the evening sunlight that brightens her eyes and the way her smile lights up when BB-8 beeps happily at her.  Aurora looks over her shoulder, catching his eyes as she mirrors his smile beautifully.


"Whoever this Chewbacca and Aurora are, this is madness."

Poe ignored the golden droid, as the Falcon landed in Destroyer's hanger  . Finn and Adam opened the Falcon's hatch and shooting the upcoming Stormtroopers as Rey and Poe followed.

"You stay here," Rey says, pointing between the droids.


Finn led the way, Poe shooting any Stormtrooper in their way. Rounding the corner, they skid to a stop as they come face to face with two Stormtroopers, who pointed their guns at the four. Rey stepped forward, raising her hand.

"It's okay that we are here,"

"It's okay that you're here,"

"You're relieved that we're here,"

"Thank goodness you're here,"

"Did she do that to us?" Adam whispered, leaning back as he eyed Rey and Stormtroopers.

"We are looking for a Wookie and Aurora Solo," Rey waved her hand between the Stormtroopers, "Where are they?"

"The Wookie is in Interrogation room six," One answered, "The Princess is in Interrogation room ten. Head down the hallway and take a left."

"Now forget we were here and go about your business."

They watched the two Stormtroopers walk down the hall, before Adam and Finn turned to Rey,

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