Haunted House

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(A/N: I will be publishing a Halloween special chapter with the gp999 finalist girls because ngl, we're all missing them :( please keep updated!)

My gp999 finalist picks if they went to a haunted house

Shana: screams in vocalist 2.0. throughout the whole journey, has been hiding behind Suyeon the whole time. Gave up speaking the moment they went in.

Suyeon: came up with the idea of going. Has been hugging onto Yaning, terrified, since they were within 5km radius of the house.

Hikaru: said she'd be terrified, beforehand. Spent the whole trip to the house saying how scared she would be. Didn't even flinch, found whole happening hilarious.

Yaning: acts all brave and strong. Says she wouldn't get scared by anything. Got terrified by a tiny fly outside the entry of the house. Is the start of the All Rounders scaredy-cats chain.

Kotone: she couldn't give a crap about anything that happened. Was the first to enter and walked the whole thing with a blank face. The actors think she is too boring.

Myah: cried at the first ghost actor she saw, purely out of surprise. No one bothered her since. She was too precious to scare.

Ruiqi: recruited half of the monsters from the house into a cult she formed on the spot. She is now known by the zombies as Sury: Cult Leader.

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