Troublesome Foursome pt.2

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[Back at the Kep1er dorm, after getting a beating or two from the one and only Yujin]

Youngeun: Hey, so, how did we end up getting caught anyways?

Hikaru: Yeah, there weren't any cops around anyways. So how did they come to know of our little raid?

Dayeon, exchanging looks with Bahiyyih: Well...

Youngeun: Is there something you guys aren't telling us?

Bahiyyih: Well we think we know what happened.

*Magical Flashback*

Dispatch: Ok, four of the members of the rookie group Kep1er have left their dorm, boss.

Boss: Which four?

Dispatch: Ezaki Hikaru, Huening Bahiyyih, Kim Dayeon, and Kim Youngeun.

Dispatch: They left the dorm in a rush. Their leaders are nowhere to be seen and don't seem to know they've left.

Boss: That is definitely suspicious. Quick, follow them. I am certain, that from this, a scandal will emerge.

Dispatch: Yes boss!

[At the store]

Boss: So? Any updates on the targets?

Dispatch: No sir, they are currently entering a small convenience store, nothing out of the blue.

Boss: Hm... Ok. But keep a close eye on them.

*Breaking glass sound and fire crackling*

Boss: What was that! That was definitely not normal!

Dispatch: Uhm, well...

Boss: Tell me! What is happening?

*Loud footsteps and the sound of the store's alarm ringing*

Hikaru, in the background: Youngeun! Drive!

Youngeun, in the background: Idk how! I never learned

Bahiyyih, in the background: Just get us out of here!

Dayeon, in the background: Move over! *Casually yeets Youngeun out of the seat, taking her spot*

Youngeun, in the background: Okok, quick!!!

*Tires screeching*

Hikaru, in the background: Gogogo!

Boss: Hey! What's happening?!?!

Dispatch: uHh... I'll call you back boss. I need to call the police first...

Boss: ತ_ʖತ wUt?

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