The Moth

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[In the 7 LOVE Minutes group chat]

Suyeon: Xinyu there's a moth on the outside of the dorm door can you come get rid of it? I can't get in...

Xinyu: Ah, sorry. I'm a little... Occupied at the moment.

Kotone: She got her tall ass stuck under the table.

May: Kotone and I are trying to get her out.

Suyeon: Mashiro? Shana?

May: They went out shopping an hour ago, and still aren't back.

Suyeon: I didn't want to ask but... Youngeun?
Suyeon: Pls someone hurry
Suyeon: I'm going to cry
Suyeon: Youngeun
Suyeon: Youngeun

Youngeun: Youngeun is dead. You're next. Love, Moth.

Everyone else in the GC:

Shana: Y'all, Shiro and I are at the entrance of the building
Shana: But I swear I just heard Suyeon's scream
Shana: Brings me back to the times we had those massages...
Shana: Are you sure she's okay?

Kotone: Read the conversation above. You'll understand.

Shana: Oh.

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