22. Closure

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Third person's POV

"A yacht!" Sana pointed. Jeongyeon eyes widened as she saw the familiar mega yacht which is use for transactions and other dark deeds...


Jeongyeon got a bad feeling from that shot.

"Get ready..." The leader of the group signaled while not escaping his eyes from the yacht... He was astonished to how big and wide it is.. They will surely need more people.

"Boss, I think this is it." One of the men under this big, intriguing guy whispered.

"Call the back up from air, and send the location right now."

"Yes boss!"

"Thanks to these girls, we are about to capture the real thugs."

Half of the group are working under Mr. Minatozaki's command. As a police undercover revealing their true identity, immediately knock the underlings out.

"Jeongyeon?!" Sana shouted when Jeongyeon jumped in the water and afterwards reaching the chain of the anchored from the yacht. Trying to climb up from there. It's realky hard do it but she wasn't thinking at all, as she thought that someone important to her is in danger.

The brunette's seasickness begun to sweep away as she is thinking and focusing to her love of her life.

"Stay where you are..." Jeongyeon warned Sana...

The brunette gulp, as she saw the usual emotionless face of the latter. But she knows deep in her heart, Jeongyeon isn't thinking straight..

As Jeongyeon finally reach the insides she was welcome by a punch but due to her quick reflex she dodge it. Following by a wide arms nudge, she amazingly just pushed it aside to further push it along with other guards.

"Shoot her but not critical spots!" One of the guards instructed.




Concurrently.., Mr. Minatozaki held his right arm, as he was shot by the hired hacker. He wasn't able to fight back when the guards initiated to do the action and they are going out to the yacht and leave the people whom are captured and tortured by him.

"We should bail, the cops are here.."

"Captured Jeongyeon no matter what!?"

The guards nodded..

"Ms. Yoo,..." Felix bawled out., The old lady was lying down and her eyes shut.

"We are saved?!" Mr. Lim shouted in bliss and Mr. Minatozaki heard it. He suddenly grab the gun and eventually shoot it everywhere.

Jeongyeon got distracted from the gun shots while running from the guards, she almost got trip due to her wetness... thankfully the undercover policemen covered her.

"Stay here young lady, let the police do this."

"Jeongyeon Honey!" The brunette check the tall girl, running out of air. Jeongyeon frown at how did Sana follow her despite her warning and how did she come up without gettinf wet.

"I must follow them.." Jeongyeon uttered but before she jog.. she drag one policeman beside Sana. "Protect her."

"It's too dangerous, let the police do their work you might be just a hindrance." Sana worriedly reach Jeongyeon's hand.

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