Chapter 50 [MORE SECRECTS]

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                  CRYSTAL'S POV

"I will answer your question right after you take this shot" Lewis said. He dipped his hands inside his pocket and removed a syringe with a needle.

"W-what is that?" My voice was shaking.

"This my dear, is a nerve numbing overdose, hold on tight. It's going to sting"  he gave me a sickening smirk.

But I was scared. What if something happens to my babies. I was about to say something when I heard the pain of the needle. It piercing my skin and I couldn't help but scream. It really painful. He took the some keys from his pocket and started by unchaining my legs. I tried to lift them up but I couldn't. My legs felt very heavy. He got closer and unchained my hands. I could move my hands but I couldn't move my legs. He had killed all the nerves on my legs.

"Let's get you out of those clothes. I have something else I want you to wear." He helped me to sit on the bed and gave a beige night gown that was extremely revealing. He carried me from the bed to the floor. He went outside and I took that chance to change. He came back with a new mattress and laid it on the bed. He then gave me a sandwich and bottled water. I was hungry and afraid of something bad happening to my babies so I ate the sandwich. He carried me back to the bed.

"Listen, tomorrow there's someone who is coming here to see you. If you cooperate, he'll let you walk out free." Lorenzo said.

"Why are you doing this Lorenzo?" I was crying by now. I can't believe how people change. They pretend that they are helping you only to betray you. 
"for the money Crystal. Why else would I be doing this"

I nodded my head. I was disappointed. I felt really hurt and betrayed again. I thought that since Xavier is in prison, I won't be having any trouble. But I was wrong. It looks like trouble finds me every single time.

I curled up in my bed and rubbed my stomach. I just hope my babies are okay.

I didn't know how I slept. I just woke up and it was already bright. I sat on bed. I looked around the room and I was shocked to see Lewis and another man standing next to him by the door.

"Finally sleeping beauty is up." Lewis said. I don't bother to respond. The other man started walking into my direction. 

"W-who are you?" I stuttered. He looked angry and ready to kill.

  "I am your uncle. My name is Zagan. I suppose your father didn't tell you that he has a brother. I am not here to chitchat with you, I just want what belongs to me and we all go our separate ways"

what does he mean that he's my uncle? As far as I know, my dad was an only child. He didn't have a brother.

"Listen little girl. Your parents lied to you about so many things. Where will I start. Oh, I know. You are not their biological child. They bought you from a woman who sells kids. Oh and he tried to kill me so that he could keep all the wealth to himself." I couldn't have believed him if I didn't see the hurt in his eyes. But how could my dad do that to him. Even Lewis was shocked by what he said.

But if I am not their daughter, who are my biological parents?

"Why should I believe what you say" I asked him.

"You don't have to. All you have to do is sign this papers and I'll leave you alone."

How do I know that he's just another money hungry guy that wants to take everything from me? How do I know that he's lying? I am not going to sign anything.

"I am not going to sign anything" I said and he smirked.

"Is that your final answer?" He asked. I nodded and looked away. From the corner of my eyes I saw him taking a gun. He raised it and aimed at my stomach.

"No, no no no no no no, please don't shoot. I'll sign it. I'll sign the papers." He shook his head and cocked his gun then, he fired.

I didn't feel anything. But the pain kicked in. I looked at my stomach, blood was oozing out. 

"Are you going to sign this papers or should I kill the other one?" He asked.
"I'll sign the papers" we then heard a gasp coming from the door. It was a woman. I recognized her. Scarlet the stripper from Noisy. What the fuck is she doing here.

"Zagan, what have you done?" How does she know this man?

Zagan was shocked to see her.  " I am getting back what belongs to me. I am doing it for us. So that we can secure a future for the both of us my love" she shook her head and covered her mouth.

Lewis was about to make a move but he saw him and shot him on his right foot. He screamed in pain but I didn't feel any pity for him.

"No drop the gun. So many people have died already all because of your stupid revenge. Crystal has nothing to do with it. You killed her parents, her baby and now you want to kill her? How many more people do you want to kill. How many deaths is it going to take for you to stop with this foolishness? You are going overboard with this. I can't let you continue to do this." 

The numbness on my legs had worn out. Scarlet walked over to my direction and helped me to get down from the bed.

"If you want, you can kill me too but I am not going to let her suffer for something she knows nothing about. I don't want to see you ever again."

She said and we walked out of the door. I heard Zagan screaming. I looked at her and she looked worried.

"Lorenzo will be here any minute to pick you up. Don't worry, everything is going to be okay."

She took me outside the building and sat me on the bench that was there. She then rushed inside. Minutes later, I heard her screaming. She came out with her hand covering her mouth. He looked shaken.

Minutes later we saw three black SUV's, police cars, and two ambulances. Lorenzo jumped out of the car and came rushing to me.  He started apologizing countless times and I told him that it's not his fault.  I was carried into a stretcher bed and into the ambulance. The last thing I saw was Lorenzo holding my hand and telling me the everything was going to be fine.


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