Chapter 26 [HAPPY AS HELL]

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                CRYSTAL'S P.O.V.

It has been two weeks of terror. Kristina has been doing everything possible to break me but I proved to be tough. I can't let a stupid bully get to me. I am now seven weeks pregnant and my tummy is starting to show. The other day we were taking a shower and Sav saw my belly and started to ask questions. I didn't want to talk about it so I quickly changed the topic.

Today, I was given the permission to make a phone call but I didn't have anyone's phone number. I was told the I will receive two visitors on Saturday. I was excited.

"Crystal Danford, can I have a word with you?" I turned around and saw a girl with black bob hair with bangs and huge round chunky glasses looking at me. I nodded for her to continue. "Privately" she said and Sav looked at her like she just said the worst thing ever.

"It's okay, you can say what ever you want to say in here presence" I told her but she shook her head in disagreement.

"I would rather not, what I want to tell you is for your ears only"  she sounded really serious. She gestured for me to follow her and I did.  She led me far from listening ears.

"Be careful with who you trust. Your friend Savannah, isn't who you think she is."  I didn't like where this conversation was going. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "Yesterday she received a visitor and I was seated next to her I heard her..."

Sav came out of nowhere and cut her short.   "Crystie, someone is here to see you" she said.

"What do you mean, I can't have visitors until Saturday and today is on Tuesday so what are you talking about" I crossed my hands on my chest and looked at her.

Then I heard a very familiar voice. A voice that I thought I would never hear ever.

"Are you sure about that Cee?" There's only one person in this whole world who calls me that.

"Ares?"I called out hopping it's who I think it is. She came into view. She walked to my direction with a very wide smile. I hugged her tightly. "The one and only" she said and I chuckled.

Noeller Ares was my childhood and highschool best friend. She's from Egypt but she moved here with her parents when they got a better job. When we got separated when we both finished highschool. They had to move back to Egypt. I remember when she came to home and told me the news. We cried the whole night. I could not believe that my only friend was going away. We cried ourselves to sleep and when I woke up, she wasn't there. I found a note from her that said ;

     I left before you wake up because I didn't want to say goodbye to you. I believe that this isn't the last time we are seeing each other. I love you so much soulmate. You will forever be my bestie. This isn't goodbye. I'll see soon.

                                          From your idiot,

I remember chuckling with tears covering my eyes. I couldn't believe that I would see her again. But here she is, infront of me. Right now.

" I can see that you really went for it. Although I expected to see you holding a gun."

I pulled away from her and she hit my shoulder. I faked a wince and she laughed. "I really did go for it." She smiled.

When we were younger, she always wanted to become a police officer. She didn't care about where she would be placed but something about being in a cop uniform and holding a gun has always been her dream. Even though her parents were against it, I can she that she really went for it. She has always been a go getter, and I am so proud of her.

"I didn't know that you work here as a warden" she looked at me like I wounded her with my words. I furrowed my eyebrows not knowing what she was talking about.

"You mean to say that these people didn't talk about me, and here I thought I was a celebrity in here."

She placed her hand on her chest like she was heart broken. I laughed out loud and she joined in.

We walked over to the free zone and we sat on a bench. She looked at me and held my hand. I knew what was coming next. But it's like she sensed that I wasn't going to talk about it so she didn't say a word.

I appreciated how she understood me without even saying a word. She was indeed my soulmate.  We sat there in comfortable silence until I decided to break the silence.

"So where have you been?" I asked her and she smiled.

"And here I thought you had gone mute. So you can now speak again." I laughed hard.

She always has a way of bringing joy in times of sadness. "I was on maternity leave, I gave birth six months ago, to a bouncy baby girl. Guess what I named her?" She asked and I knew the answer right away.

"Moon" I said and she nodded. She is obsessed with the moon and how it lights up the sky at night. "I knew you wouldn't forget" she said. I remember when we were in highschool, we made a promise to each other that she would call her first child Moon and I'll call mine Star.

"I heard that someone finally stood up to Kristina and when I knew that it was you, I wasn't surprised at all." She laughed and then looked at me.

"I know what you are going to say, if you even dare to say a word I swear I will stab with this" I took out my plastic fork from my pocket and pointed it out at her. She laughed and looked at me shaking her head.

"And what's that supposed to do? Break when it touches my skin?, Girl get that thing out of my sight" we both laughed. It's been a hot minute since I last laughed like that. And I was happy as hell to be reunited with my soulmate.


Thank y'all for reading this chapter ❤️
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