Chapter 12 - Fresh Start

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The next morning, after showering, Milo returned to his room to get dressed. Judah had already gone down for breakfast. But only after giving Milo a small kiss. He did the same thing last night before climbing up to the top bunk. Milo laid in the dark for a long time, grinning like an idiot as he replayed the day in his head.

The cork board over the desk caught Milo's attention. Feeling the urge to cleanse himself, in order to have a truly fresh start, he went over and removed all the pictures with Hunter. It left the board looking depressingly empty. All that remained were his drawings and a few photos of Milo with his friends. It was like a visual representation of just how much Hunter had dominated his mind back then. Only seven months had passed since their breakup, but this morning it felt like eons ago.

The house was unusually quiet as Milo headed downstairs. In the kitchen, Milo found Judah alone. He sat at the counter bar, eating a bowl of cereal, shirtless.

"Do you really have to look like that first thing in the morning?" Milo asked.

Judah glanced down at himself and smirked. "Afraid you won't be able to control yourself?"

"Kinda." Milo said, pouring himself a bowl of cereal. "You're very sexy."

Judah licked his lips. He stared down at his bowl, his cheeks going a bit red.

"Where is everybody?" Milo asked.

"Your brother went to see a girl."

"Alana again?" Milo was surprised that Mercer would go back to her after what he confessed the other day.

"I dunno." Judah shrugged. "Your mom should be back soon. She took your sister to your dad's house."

Milo went to sit beside Judah. He kissed Judah's cheek.

"What?" Milo asked, as he noticed Judah trying to fight a smile.

"Lucky Charms, huh?"

"As opposed to your manly frosted mini wheats."

Judah smiled in that adorable way he had, showing that singular dimple. "I think it's cute. You're cute."

Judah put his spoon down and leaned toward Milo. He took Milo's face between his hands and brought Milo in for a kiss.

When they broke apart, Judah said, "I really like doing that."

"Me, too."

Hearing the front door, Milo turned to face his cereal. He could hardly eat because he was smiling too much.

Mrs. McBride entered and put her purse on the counter to fix a cup of coffee. She kept glancing over at the boys with curiosity.

Milo hurried to finish his cereal.

"Slow down, before you choke." Mrs. McBride said.

Milo did as she said. Judah seemed amused.

Mrs. McBride walked over to stand across the bar from them. "Do you boys think you could do me a favor?"

Milo tried to chew the bite he'd just put in his mouth. He intended to tell his mother that they had plans.

Then Judah said, "Sure. What do you need?"

"I put a bracelet on hold for Maggie last week. I couldn't buy it at the time because she was with me. And it completely slipped my mind." She waved her hand and went to get her purse. "Anyway, the store called to tell me today is the last day they can hold it before they have to put it back. The problem is, I'm swamped for the rest of the day. Would you mind?"

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