Chapter 2 - Milo Meets Judah

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Milo and Ellie spent the next few hours visiting familiar haunts around town, reminiscing over the days when pimples on picture day seemed life ruinous.

"You acted like it was a mountain range on the tip of your nose." Ellie laughed as she turned the car onto his street.

"It was enormous," Milo countered. "And it wasn't just because of picture day; I had my first date with Hunter that night."

"Oh, my God! You did. I forgot about that." Ellie looked over and pushed her lips out, sighing, as if he were a puppy. "You were so nervous. It was adorable."

Milo didn't remember it so fondly. "I sweated through my shirt. I couldn't take my jacket off the whole night. He must've been disgusted. That's probably why he didn't kiss me."

Ellie stopped the car in front of his house. "I miss seeing you every day."

"Me, too," Milo said. "My life isn't nearly as fun anymore."

"I know what you mean. Between classes and work, I barely have time to sleep, let alone have a social life. I mean, fun, what even is that?"

"Since when do you work?"

"I volunteer at an animal shelter four days a week. So, it's not technically work, and I don't get paid. But you know how I feel about the animals."

"Is that why I keep getting all those emails about adopting a pet?"

"Look, I was having a rough week, and I was supposed to sign up fifty people for the newsletter. I did not have the time to track down fifty randos, so I just filled out the forms myself with all of my contacts."

Milo laughed. "That's actually really clever."

"Oh, the cleverness of me," Ellie said with a bit of sarcasm.

Milo couldn't help but smile at her quoting Peter Pan. He'd gotten a bit obsessed with the 2003 film after a substitute teacher showed it during class one year. He had a huge crush on the boy who played Peter. He forced Ellie to sit through it at least two dozen times.

"Do you want to come in? I'm sure my mom would love to see you?"

"Next time." Ellie pulled him in for a hug. "I love you, M&M."

He pulled back and smiled. "Love you, too, El." He gave her hand a quick squeeze before getting out. Being back here, having her drop him off at home after a day of goofing off, it felt like nothing had changed.

Ellie beeped the horn twice as she drove away.

Upon entering the house, Milo found a suitcase and duffle bag at the base of the stairs. He became overjoyed, knowing his brother was home.

He rushed up the stairs and called out, "Mercer!"

Mercer appeared from his room, along with a blond boy Milo had never met. Mercer's face lit up. "Hey!" He dashed over to hug Milo, slapping him on the back extra hard, as he did every time they reunited.

It took Milo a moment to reciprocate the embrace. His eyes remained fixed on the other guy, curious about the attractive stranger.

When Mercer pulled away, he tapped Milo's cheek, grinning. "Dude, you have stubble. Congrats. I didn't think you'd ever grow facial hair."

Milo glared at his brother, feeling his cheeks growing hot. "You're such an ass."

Mercer laughed. "Yeah, but I'm hot, so no one cares."

Milo rolled his eyes. "God, you're so conceited."

The blond guy laughed. "He really is." His deep, buttery voice gave Milo goosebumps.

Mercer turned to speak to the stranger. "This is my little brother—Milo." He reached back to muss Milo's hair.

Milo smacked Mercer's arm away. "Quit it!"

The blond boy smiled when he met Milo's gaze; his eyes, an intense bluish-green color. "It's nice to meet you."

In response, Milo nodded stupidly, unable to break eye contact.

"This is Judah." Mercer added, gesturing to the stranger. "He's my roommate."

Milo crossed his arms and forced out a strangled, "Hi."

With a hint of a smile on his lips, Judah pushed a hand through his hair before folding his arms over his chest.

Mrs. McBride walked around the corner. "There you all are." She stopped next to Milo and put an arm around him. "Judah, I don't know if you'll need it, but there are some extra toothbrushes and things in the top drawer of the boys' bathroom. I always buy spares. You never know when you'll have company. And someone's always forgetting something."

"Thank you, but I brought mine."

"What's going on?" Milo asked, confused. It occurred to him that the suitcase downstairs must belong to Judah. Mercer wasn't a practical person. He would never think to purchase something like that, and he didn't have that when he moved out last year.

"Judah's staying with us for winter break." Mercer patted his friend on the back.

Mrs. McBride chimed in, "And we're thrilled to have you with us."

"Don't you have a family?" Milo blurted. His voice came out sharper than he'd intended. He was merely curious why someone wouldn't go home for Christmas rather than spend it with strangers. Milo could never do something like that.

"Don't be rude." Mrs. McBride popped his shoulder, giving him the glare she reserved for Mercer when he made crude jokes at the dinner table.

Judah looked around at everyone, kind of awkwardly. His eyes stuck on Milo as he spoke. "My sister and I bought our parents a cruise for Hanukkah." He shifted his gaze to Mrs. McBride and flashed a charming grin. "Well, my sister did most of the buying. I chipped in like fifty bucks."

"That's very sweet," Mrs. McBride said.

Judah chuckled, sheepishly rubbing his neck. "Anyway, they leave tomorrow. It seemed like a waste of a plane ticket to only see them for one day and have to spend my whole break alone."

"Won't your sister miss you?" Mrs. McBride asked in a soft, warm tone. She was a sucker for a sob story and an underdog. One too many movies about dogs and Hallmark films in her nightly queue, Milo thought.

"She and her husband are taking their kids to her in-laws for the holidays. Which is why she wanted to get my parents the cruise. It's a sort of consolation prize for not getting to see their grandkids until the new year."

"Well, you just make yourself at home, sweetheart. If you need anything, just let me know. No need to be shy around here. Lord knows these two aren't."


Mrs. McBride clapped her hands together. "Okay, well, I'm going to go put out some extra towels in case anyone needs them." She was practically skipping on the way to her bedroom. Playing hostess was one of her favorite things, and she didn't often get the chance. It probably happened even less frequently now that Maggie was the only one left at home to bring friends over.

Mercer gestured toward the stairs. "Come on, dude. I'll show you where everything is. Then we can grab a bite."

"Okay." Judah stuffed his into his pockets, doing that modely shoulder hunch thing that proclaimed, "I'm shy, but in a hot way."

Mercer raced by, clapping Milo on the back hard enough that it would leave a red mark for a while. Milo swiped at him, but came up short.

Judah strolled behind Mercer, taking his time. His bottom lip trapped between his teeth. He gave Milo a once-over as he passed. He seemed a bit wary, sizing up Milo, no doubt.

As Milo walked by the staircase, going to his room, he looked down at the same moment that Judah turned to glance back up. When their eyes met, Judah paused to smile at him.

Milo froze, his mouth falling open.

Mercer called Judah's name, pulling his attention away. Judah jogged down the stairs.

Milo recovered his senses and went to his room where he could freak out in private.

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