Chapter 18 - Judah's First Christmas

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Pounding on the door awoke Milo the next morning. "Get up! Get up!" Maggie shouted. "It's Christmas, people!"

Milo groaned and rolled out of bed. He knew Maggie wouldn't stop until everyone got up.

Judah rubbed his eyes, twisting around to hang his legs off the edge of the top bunk. "What time is it?"

Milo grabbed his phone to check. "It's 7:14."

Judah yawned and nimbly hopped down. "And we're awake because?"

"My mom won't let anyone open any presents unless we're all there." Milo leaned against Judah. He pressed his cheek to Judah's bare chest and closed his eyes. "Your skin is so warm."

Judah tapped his shoulder. "Baby, you fell asleep on me, and I'm too tired to carry you around."

"I'm sorry." Milo said around a yawn.

"What is the holdup, family?" Maggie yelled from down the hall.

"Magdalena Grace McBride!" Mrs. McBride screeched. "If you don't stop yelling like a crazy person, I'm going to make you wait until everyone else has opened all their gifts before you can start."

There was a knock on the door to the bathroom. Milo reluctantly pulled himself away from Judah and went to check it. It could only be Mercer since the bathroom didn't have a door to the hall.

Milo opened the door to see Mercer holding out a hanger with a neon green and hot pink sweater that matched the one Mercer wore. "Me and Maggie found these the other day and decided to do matching sweaters this year."

"Oh, my God!" Milo's hand flew to his forehead and slid across the top of his head. "I totally forgot to buy a sweater."

Mercer held the monstrosity out to him. "At least you didn't waste your money. Consider this my gift to you."

Milo took the sweater. "Thanks."

Mercer pulled the door shut.

Milo removed the price tags and put the sweater on over his t-shirt. When he turned around, Judah gawked. "What the hell is that?"

Milo laughed at the horror in Judah's face. Milo said, "A few years ago, me, Mercer, and Maggie saw these horrendous sweaters at the mall, and we thought it would be funny to wear them to surprise our mom. She loved it so much that we've done it every year since."

"Just when I think you can't get more adorable." Judah came over to put his arms around Milo.

"I'm sure I look super sexy."

"Are you kidding me? Doing something silly and thoughtful for someone you love, just to make them happy, is one of the sexiest things I can think of." Judah kissed Milo, pulling him closer.

Milo pushed him away and sighed. "You cannot get me turned on while I'm wearing pajama pants. They don't hide anything."

Judah shook with laughter, grinning so wide practically all his teeth showed.

"And put on some clothes, for God's sake." Milo blurted. He pulled the hem of his sweater down as far as it would go. "It's a holy day, dammit!"

Judah put his hands on his hips, smirking. "Baby, I'm Jewish. This is just another day for me."

"So, are you just gonna walk around in your underwear?"

Judah went over to his suitcase and put on a pair of dark gray sweatpants with Northwestern printed down the leg in purple. He paired it with a very well-fitted white t-shirt.

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