Chapter 9 - Second-Guessing

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Judah kissed Milo. He actually pressed his lips against Milo's lips. Milo's heart fluttered faster than a hummingbird's wings.

Judah cupped Milo's face. Milo reached up to put his hand over Judah's. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He'd pictured it plenty of times over the last three days, but the reality far exceeded his imagining.

Milo expected Judah to pull away at any moment. Only he didn't. He kept going, even slipping his tongue past Milo's lips more than once. Spurred on by that, Milo put his arms around Judah, pulling him closer.

Milo somehow ended up pressed against a wall with Judah full on making out with him. What a difference a day made.

When they broke apart, Judah's lids fluttered open. He locked eyes with Milo. Those lovely blue-ish, almost green eyes.

Someone cleared their throat, pulling their attention. It was Hunter. His lips puckered slightly, which always happened when he got irritated. "You should really hang a sock on the door if you're gonna go at it like that."

Milo looked at Judah. A terrible thought flashed through his mind. Had Judah done that as part of their ruse?

"The spread was delicious." Judah said. "But I think we're going to head out. We have other places to be."

Milo, still confused, agreed. "Sorry to eat and run."

Hunter shrugged. "Honestly, I didn't expect you to show up anyway, so it's not a huge loss. But thanks for coming."

Judah put his arm around Milo and steered them away. As they passed through the living room, Milo pulled away from Judah. "I want to say bye to Ellie."

Judah nodded. "I'll meet you at the door."

Milo crossed the room to the large windows where Ellie was chatting with the girl who won prom queen their senior year. Milo couldn't remember her name. He thought it started with an A. Or an E. It was Astrid, or Elsa. Something like that.

"Can I have a sec?" Milo asked.

Ellie grimaced as the girl walked away. "This better be good."

"He kissed me. Like with tongue and everything."

Ellie's annoyance dissipated, morphing into glee. "Seriously." She grasped Milo's hands tightly. "Congratulations."

"But I think he might've done it because of Hunter. I think Judah might've seen him coming in and kissed me to make Hunter jealous."

"That doesn't make sense." Ellie grabbed his shoulders and stared into his eyes. "Straight boys don't tongue kiss other boys for the benefit of that boy's ex-boyfriend. Honestly, saying it out loud, that whole thing sounds ridiculous. Maybe it was all an excuse so he could see if you liked him."

That sounded more ridiculous to Milo. There was no way that the guy he had a crush on liked him so much that he'd pretend to be his boyfriend.

Would he?

Milo couldn't stop second-guessing himself. He wanted to believe it was real so badly.

"Do you really think he likes me for real?"

"I'd say it's a safe bet." Ellie answered. "There is one definitive way to find out if he likes you and know for sure, though."


"Well, it's a bit kooky, and kind of out there, but it always works. So, you go up to him and—here's the tricky part—you just ask him."

"Just ask him?"

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