Chapter 7 - Mixed Signals

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The next day, Mercer monopolized all of Judah's time. For most of the morning, they hung out around the house playing video games. In the afternoon, they went out. Mercer asked Milo to join them, and Judah chimed in to coax him, but Milo turned them down, still lamenting what he'd lost. Even though he never actually had anything in the first place.

That evening, Milo laid on his bed, listening to the most depressing songs of Lana Del Rey. The bed shifted as someone sat beside him. He lifted his arm off his eyes and blinked a few times to clear his vision. A jolt of shock shot through his chest at the sight of Judah.

Judah laid a hand on Milo's knee. His touch left Milo's skin feeling electrified. "Is something wrong?"

"What do you want?" Milo asked, propping himself up on his elbows. His words came out sharper than he'd intended. After all, it wasn't Judah's fault that Milo had developed a crush on him.

Judah's head reared back. "Did I do something to upset you?"

Milo plopped back down onto the bed with a grunt. "It's not you. It's me."

"Are you breaking up with me?" Judah asked with a chuckle.

Milo's eyes went wide. "What? Why would you even say something like that?"

"That's a very cliche break up line." Judah sounded unsure. "I was only kidding. I didn't mean to offend you somehow."

"You didn't."

Judah scooted a bit closer. "Seriously. Is everything okay?"

"I'm fine." Milo replied in that automatic tone used when anyone asked a question like that. That was all most people really wanted anyway. They didn't care about your well-being. They just wanted to pretend like they did, to make people think they were kind and considerate.

"I came to let you know that we need get ready if you still want to go to that party."

"You actually want to go to that?" Milo sneered.

"Sure. Why not?"

"They all think you're my boyfriend."

Judah tapped his finger on the tip of Milo's nose. "I thought that was the whole idea. You wanted to piss off your ex by showing that you're over him."

"I'm not making you do that."

"I'm the one who accepted the invite. You aren't making me do anything." Judah took Milo's hand and pulled on his arm. Judah stood up, dragging a sluggish Milo with him. "We gotta get you looking hot."

"Why are you doing this for me?"

"You're a sweet guy, and I like you."

Those words were like a dagger, knowing Judah didn't mean them the way Milo wished he did.

Judah didn't seem to notice Milo's anguish. He continued speaking, unfazed. "You looked really good in that blue shirt the day we met. It was a good color on you. Do you have anything else like that?"

It surprised Milo that Judah had noticed what he was wearing that day. Even more that he remembered it.

"Probably. In the closet."

Judah went over and sorted through the hanging shirts. He returned with a short-sleeved button down in a similar shade of blue to the t-shirt Milo wore the other day.

Judah held the shirt against Milo's chest, twisting his lips to the side as he appraised the look. "Put this on."

Milo took the garment and set it aside to remove his t-shirt. He felt a bit too exposed as Judah watched him. He spun around and quickly put on the other shirt. He started buttoning it as he turned to face Judah. "Is this alright?"

Judah stepped forward and took over to secure the last few buttons. "How's that?"

"Personally, I would have gone up a couple more buttons." Milo pulled the edges of the shirt together where his chest was exposed.

"Do whatever makes you comfortable. But for what it's worth, I think it looks sexier this way." Judah fixed Milo's collar so it showed more skin, then he brushed his hands down the front of the shirt to get rid of wrinkles and rolled the sleeves into cuffs.

Milo stared at Judah. Did he even know what he was saying—or how it could be misconstrued? Milo supposed Judah wouldn't have to think of the way he spoke to other guys.

While Milo switched out his sweatpants for the khaki shorts Judah pulled from the closet, Judah changed into a nice pair of jeans that fit him like they were tailored to his body. Although when someone had a body like a model, most clothes would fit better.

Judah took off his shirt as he went over to his suitcase and got out a black bottle. He looked at Milo. "Will it bother you if I spray this?"

"No." Milo's voice came out a bit hoarsely.

Judah stood up and spritzed himself with sweet smelling cologne. That was the scent on the shirt Milo had been cuddling the other day.

"God, that smells amazing." Milo accidentally blurted.

"Want some?" Judah held up the bottle.

Milo gave a tentative nod, which prompted Judah to come over. He sprayed a bit on Milo's shirt, then he took Milo's wrist and sprayed a bit there, too.

Milo rubbed his wrists together and dabbed them against his neck.

Judah returned the cologne to his toiletry bag and grabbed a shirt from his suitcase. He opted for a white shirt that made his skin look more tan. He also wore a pair of pristine white and black Adidas. They were so clean, Milo wondered if they'd ever been worn.

As they descended the stairs into the front hall, they ran into Mercer, who was just leaving the kitchen. He took a bite of a granola bar as he looked them over. "Are you two going on a date or something?" He snorted, amused by his own joke.

Milo and Judah shared a look. Then Judah said, "Sorta."

Mercer got choked up on his granola bar and started a coughing fit. Once he'd recovered, Mercer glared at Judah. "Can I talk to you for a minute—outside?"

Mercer walked past them and went out the front door. Judah followed. Mercer closed the door.

Milo pressed his ear to the door. He couldn't hear anything but mumbles at first. Then Judah—who must've been closest to the door—said, "I know that. I'm not a moron."

More mumbling, followed by Judah saying, "What does that have to do with anything?"

Milo couldn't hear the other side of the conversation and he wasn't getting everything from Judah's side.

Milo heard: "Maybe it was."

Followed shortly by: "I don't know. I might."

Finally, Judah barked out, "I wouldn't do that."

When the doorknob twisted, Milo jumped back two feet and hung his arm over the banister. He pretended to examine his fingernails as the door opened.

Judah entered. His frown shifted into a tight smile. "Are you ready?"

Milo nodded. "Uh-huh."

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