Chapter 36

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Chapter 36
|Kiss by the ocean|

Leanna Russel

Siting up on the towel and looking at Silas as he is comfortable there but not once does he close his eyes (beside blinking which he has to do) as his eyes are only on me. "Would you have killed his wife and daughter?" I ask Silas and his face hardens but there is still something soft there. His wet hair goes over his eyes which I look into with interest as I try to see what is happening inside his mind. He sits up and takes my hand. "No" He answers and I sigh in relief.

"I don't know where to find them. A picture of a family in the shop told me that he had a family. The wedding ring on his finger shows me he was married and the child like painted picture in the shop addressed to a father from his baby girl told me he had a daughter. It was quite simple to play with his mind and make him think I knew where they were and that they were in danger when I knew not where they were nor where to find them" He tells me and I give him a strange look.

"How did you figure all of that out?" I ask him. He chuckles. "Despite what you think, Leanna, I do pay attention and I do process the world around me" He tells me. His hand takes mine and his traces symbols on the back of my hand. It takes me a moment to realize that it's the same symbol that he always had been walking in my office of the prison. A symbol that I have no idea what means but it has some meaning to him, a deep meaning that is for sure since I do notice that he has it tattooed.

"You were bluffing like with the bomb" I say and he nods his head. I wonder how much of the things that he threatens are actually just lies and bluffs that he makes up as he goes but it's best that I don't think about that. "I'm sorry" I speak after a moment or two. He freezes as he looks at me but I look down in shame. His other hand goes up under my chin and with his thumb he lifts my face to look at him and deep into his eyes.

"You have nothing to apologize, it is the other way around" He says so softly that I wonder if the words had even come from his mouth at all but I know that he spoke them and it was as if he had spoken them to my heart as I feel so much love when those words are spoken. "I threw my ice cream at you. And the worst part is that I wanted to eat it. It tasted wonderfully" I tell him and slightly frown. Silas grins at me before he lets out a laugh. "Don't worry, I'll buy you whatever ice cream you want" He tells me.

I smile as he lets go of my chin but I liked it when he held me like that. I could just let my head stay like that and look at him, like I could look at him all the time. It would be amazing to look into his eyes all the time, I could not even get tired of it. Not now and not ever. The love that I feel for him would prevent out and besides his eyes are such a mystery that I'm not even sure where to begin to uncover the mysteries that I know the world doesn't want me to find out but I want to figure them out.

"I'll take you on that offer" I tell him with a smile on my face and a giggle that escapes past my lips. I can't even explain how happy I am to have him around me. Everything that he has done wrong seems to just disappear and fade away into the background like it never even took place, but I do keep in mind that he has done horrible and hurtful things to me and other people, mostly other people though.

I sigh as I stare out into the ocean. "I'm getting a bit hungry, are you?" I ask him. He looks at me up and down and licks his lips. "Famished" He answers and I smile and stand up and he does too and together we walk back inside to get something to eat. I go into the bedroom to put on some clothes over the swimwear, just to be wearing something while we're eating. Silas had told me that breakfast would be served in the dining room and I don't object to that.

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