Chapter 25

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Chapter 25
|Bloody clothes|

Leanna Russel

Landing was just as stressful as the rest of the flight and as we land at the airport, I find myself holding tightly to the seat as but as soon as we are on the ground I can finally breathe a bit better. "I'm never doing this again" I say to myself but I can already tell that if I'm ever going to make it home (if I will ever be able to get home at all) I will have to be in one of these or on a ship. But I've never been on a ship before either so I'm not sure if I will be able to go on there.

Then again the plane is sort of worse than anything. The driver which is also a pilot comes over to us he looks at Silas but not once does he speak a word and I wonder why he doesn't say much, as I know he does speak as he did speak before when Silas escaped the prison. "Take her to the car and don't let her out!" Silas order him and I unbuckle the belt and then I follow the man. Taking one last glance at Silas before I exit the plane I feel sadness that I'm not with him but when his reassuring eyes meet mine I know that it is going to be all right.

The driver leads me to a car that is parked near the plane and while I get into the back passenger seat, he goes into the driver's seat. Doesn't he need to rest? I mean he had been driving us to the airport and then he was the one that was flying the plane and now he's going to drive the car, I wonder if that is even safe for him or us to do as he will need rest and something to eat.

A couple of minutes pass and Silas isn't here yet. "I should be there to help him, just in case he might open up the wound again" I speak, breaking the silence that had formed in the car as we are just the two of us as I have no idea where the other man is as he did not come with us. "You care for him?" The man asks me. I give him a confused look. "Yeah, why would I not? He's a human being and he's hurt, someone needs to help him" I say as if he was supposed to know that.

I know that not everyone thinks the best in the world like me but when someone is in need, you should always try to help them and I mean it, Silas is hurt and he should ask for help. Though, when someone is hurt I would not even need their asking, I would help them in less than a heartbeat. He shakes his head. "You truly are something else like he said. Perhaps that is why there is still breath in your lungs" He speaks to me.

"What do you mean?" I ask him. I was about to remove the seatbelt and get out of the car as he has not answered but he stops me. "I would not go out if I were you" He tells me. However, he doesn't say why not and like Silas I find it rather strange that I always have to ask them everything. No one can tell me anything that I need to know without asking about it, it does annoy me a bit. "There is no one around. Literally" I tell him but he shakes his head.

"See that bush over there?" He asks me as he points at a bush far away and I look at it. "Yeah....?" I ask him. I don't think I'm understanding what he's going at here and why he is like this. "There is an assassin in that bush. A rather bad one if you ask me. She is going to try to shoot Silas when he steps out of the plane" He says and I gasp and look closer at the bush. Yet my eyes can't see a person, let alone a woman or an assassin. Though I would not know what an assassin looks like.

I've never met one in my life nor do I know if I want to know because they are meant to kill and they do it for money. "How do you know? I can't see a thing" I tell him but he lightly chuckles as he hands me a binoculars which I take and use. As soon as I'm staring through them at the bush I start to see movements that aren't because of the wind because it's actually pretty warm and the sun is shining. There is no wind outside either.

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