Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
|True love is a force unknown to all except the heart|

Leanna Russel

Silas's face shows nothing but rage and anger, unlike anything I've ever seen in him (in the past two days that I've known him) or anyone this furious before. I think he needs the cup of tea that I'm holding a lot more than I do. He and some other man, who has way bigger muscles than he does but history has often proved that muscles aren't everything but it does give some advantages. They're circling each other as other inmates and saying something in anger but the yelling of the ones around them drowns that out.

The other man then moves in and without warning he punches Silas right in the jaw that sends him back but he keeps his footing. The action startles me and I drop the cup on the floor that is shatters into million pieces and tea spills everywhere. A scream echoes through the hallway, though it takes me a second to realize that it was me who screamed as my throat started to burn a bit. No one heard me as the yells were so loud in the cafeteria and guards were rushing in and it doesn't take them long before both Silas and the other one are in chains and being dragged out by the guards.

I just stands there as the guards are creating lines and take them to their cells. I just stand there, unsure of what I've seen. I've never seen such violence before in my life and somehow I knew that deep down I would see that soon because I do work in a prison but it still does make me horrified for I saw that. I know that violence is neither right nor wrong but hurting others has been something that I tend to not like for no one should feel the pain.

"Lea! Are you all right?" Trina asks me as she makes me turn around and look at her. I smile and nod my head but she shakes hers. "Don't smile at me, you just saw your first fight and that did shock you to the core" She speaks and she took the words right out of my brain. "Let's get you back to your office, don't worry about the tea, I will get you one and the janitors will clean that up" She says and she helps me walk down the hallway, back to the main one.

"I knew that there were fights but I did not know they were so violent..." I trail off as I stop right in my tracks. "I have to make sure that he's all right, he could be hurt and he already hurt himself and I don't want him to be paining like that, all by himself" I say as I head for the hospital wing but Trina goes in front of me and stops me. "Woah, hold your horses, what's going on? Who do you need to check up on?" She asks me and I only smile at her.

"Silas, he must be so hurt" I tell her as I move past her but she is far too strong and stops me. "Lea, do you even know who he is?" She asks me as she looks at me with worried eyes and a sad look. Giving Trina a reassuring look as I nod my head. "Of course I know who he is, he's my patient, of two days but still he doesn't deserve to me hurt like that and he must be so scared, all alone and hurt in the hospital wing" I tell but she is quick to tighten her grip and shake her head at me.

"Lea, that man is the most wanted criminal of all time, he's a murderer. He has hurt so many people and killed even more" She says and I gasp at her words. Silas doesn't look like that, he doesn't look like the kind of person that would hurt others, in fact he looks like a damaged person that only needs help but is afraid to ask. "I beg of you to not do this. I know that he's your patient but he doesn't deserve your kindness" She says and I nod.

Not knowing what else to do, I allow her to take me back to my office. Once I open the door, I see that my next patient is already sitting in the chair and I smile to him but inside my heart it's still beating faster than anything, I've never felt like this before. "Dr. Russell, are you feeling all right?" He asks me as I sit down and Trina leaves and closes the door, knowing that I am safe in here. My office is the safest place for me to be, that I do know.

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