Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
|Guess what I am thinking|

Leanna Russel

"Hey! Therapist lady!" A voice calls out to me and I turn around to see the janitor woman that I had asked yesterday but she did know the answer. I smile to her as I walk over to her. "Good morning, was there something that you need?" I ask her kindly as she rolls her eyes. "How are you not tired?" She asks me and I furrow my eyebrows. Tired? I do not understand why I would be tired, I slept all night. She shakes her head. "Never mind, anyway you still on that window thing?" She asks me and I nod.

Since this morning I've not thought about it once until now, it somehow got forgotten in my mind but then again Adam kind of distracted me from thinking of that and one of my patients. "All right, I asked around and I have the answer" She says. Happiness soars through me as I had thought I would have to tell him that I did not know the answer, though I did try. "And how many are they?" I ask her kindly, holding she would tell me. I might be about half an hour early but that doesn't mean that I have things to do.

She tells me the right number which truly did shock me as I did not know there were so many windows in this one prison building. "Thank you so much" I tell her and she smiles, it seems she can smile at all. She almost has been growing this entire time, almost. The two of us then go on with our day and I went to the staff lounge to put my stuff into my locker before I walk to my office to make everything ready. Once I enter I see that the flowers are almost dead.

Picking them up and feeling sorrow when I put them into the trash but they aren't going to last any longer and the smell won't be here any longer. I did enjoy it while it lasted though. "Knock, knock" A familiar voice speaks by the door and I look over to see Trina standing there. She hasn't put on her guard uniform yet and it seems that she just got here. I smile as I walk over to her. "Good morning, Trina" I say happily and she groans. "It's too early to be happy" She says as she walks into my office and sits down on the chair by my desk.

"Don't be ridiculous, happiness always has a place at any time of the day" I tell her and she lets out a laugh. "See, you're laughing which means happiness which also means that it is not too early to be happy" I say to her with a small grin on my face. Trina rolls her eyes as I pick up a pencil and just fidget with it for a moment. Sighing she looks at me. "Of course you are happy at six in the morning" She says, though she says it in a sarcastic tone.

Smiling I sit down on my brown leather chair. "I heard that you were asking about windows, what was that all about?" She asks me and I feel the blush appear on my cheeks, does everyone know that I asked the janitors that? That is a bit embarrassing. "I can't tell you" I only say, speaking of what patients and I talk about in session is something that I can't do and it would break their respect for they trust me and they put their absolute trust in me and I in them.

Sighing she raises an eyebrow at me. "Not even to your best friend?" She asks and I shake my head, the things that I am told in sessions are only for me and in some cases other therapists yet only if the patients allows it. "You know I can't" I say and playfully frown and she stands up and walks over to me. "Yes, but it would be nice to know why you wanted to know how many windows are here, because that is a red flag" Trina says with a worried tone.

"There are about seven thousand windows in the prison" I tell Silas with a soft smile on my face. Nodding he smirks and for some reason it brings shivers down my whole body. His kohl black eyes stare deep into my eyes and it brings me fight but also comfort. "I believe we had a deal of some sort, if I told you how many windows are here, you would tell me why my smiling annoys you" I remind him. His face doesn't change at all but in his eyes something flickers, though I can't be sure what that is.

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