Chapter 28

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Chapter 28
|Where is the door?|

Leanna Russel

Waking up with the shining sun through the window as I try to convince myself that what happened last night was only a dream, that the way that he kissed me was something that my mind came up with to trick me and mock me for my confusion but as my fingers touch my lips I can feel his lips on mine still. Even now a couple of hours later I can still feel his soft lips and he tasted of mint. He kissed me but I found myself kissing back as if that doesn't make me feel horrible but I also had a gun pointed at my head while he kissed me.

It was not until that he had broken the kiss and walked out of there like nothing had taken place and as if he had regretted it that he removed the gun and he had slammed the door and locked it behind him. Leaving me standing there in pure confusion and I had just gone to bed and closed my eyes. Yet even when I was asleep he still lingered in my mind and now when I'm awake I can still feel as if he were here with me.

This is wrong and I know it. I know that it is wrong to be kissing him but I could not help it. He makes me feel things that I don't understand but I want to and I want to know what he does to me. He does things to me that are unlike any other and I feel horrible what I'm doing to Adam and I wish I were in his arms right now but I don't have a choice. Sighing I sit up and look outside the window. The sun is so bright that I need to keep my eyes half open to be able to see.

And even then I can't see fully outside. It's clear that the sun is rising from that direction. Looking at the clock to see that it's only eight in the morning which is actually a good time to wake up. I stand up and stretch my body, though that bed made sure that I slept so comfortable and I'm not even sure if I ever want to sleep anywhere else ever again because this bed is everything and it brought me to sleep so fast and it was just amazing.

Walking to the window I watch the world and the ocean that is still there and I smile to it as I see the small waves crash against the sand and I wish I was there and I wish I was in that water. Feeling it touch me. It would feel amazing to be out there and smell the heavily ocean smell which I've come to enjoy. I'm not sure how long I've stood here but then I walk to the bathroom, which I found out where it was yesterday to brush my teeth.

Doing my business there I go back to the main room itself and there I realize that I don't have any clothes. I slept in those that I wore yesterday because I was too tired to look for some clothes. There are a couple of more doors to this room, which I'm not even sure what are but if there is ever a good time to see what is behind them, it's now. I walk to the first door that is not the bathroom door and not the door out of the room and twist the handle a little.

Surprising the door does open and I gasp when I see where it leads to. A library. A larger library than I've ever seen in my entire life. Even a larger one than my school had and that one was pretty big. Hundreds upon hundreds of books are in every book case around and I walk to the closest one and some of these books are in other languages while most of them are in English and about everything. There is every genre here and every category that there can be. This is the mist amazing library that I've ever seen in my entire life.

Though, I've not seen that many libraries in my life but still. I look everywhere in awe at how high these book cases are and how large this library is and I wonder why it is near the bedroom but I'm not going to dwell much on the question. I see that in one case there are the books that I studied and read about humans and their behaviors. I take a deep breath and just let all of this sink into my brain and I'm somehow convinced that this must be a dream.

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