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14th April, '19.

Dear Diary,

Today a word I didn't think I'd hear, set off emotions long buried. A tourist mentioned wanting a burger from 'Burger King' and I don't know how or when, I just remembered Paul, one of my first Wattpad besties. It's been years since we talked, but his name is still fresh in my memory. Paul-- his name rolls off the tongue so easily. He was a 25-year-old from Norway and one of my first friends on Wattpad. He was the first person I actually shared my thoughts, he understood my reluctance, and I shared me—that part of self that I had so carefully hidden away from the prying eyes of the world. Of the world that judged you for what you truly are.

Paul didn't. He never did. That's why I liked him so much. I admired his self-assurance and the cocky confidence he radiated. It was as if nothing could faze him. Lol. There were days when that confidence would get on my nerves! He was so different and the best part of him was, he didn't care a damn about anybody. He did exactly what his heart wanted, and he wasn't afraid to flaunt his attitude. Something I had never done before — something I had yet to learn. It was his laid-back, chilled behavior that initially drew me to him. He was a rebel too. He rebelled against the norms of Norwegian society. Paul loved Italian food and women. He was always talking about them. A Casanova at heart. Lol. He hated daylight because it meant going back to the school where he was doing his diploma in maths. Although he hated maths, it was a stepping stone to his bachelors in car designing. He loved writing fantasy stories laced with Viking characters. He had an affinity for designing cars. We bonded over cars and our mutual love for the same favourite colour- white. He was gentle, funny and looked out for me. Someone special. 

Didn't even realise when I fell in love with him. It must have been love then, so be it! Still is, to be honest. I loved Paul with all my heart. And he loved me back. Our love was mutual. Never met and will never meet, if this is what soul-mates mean—I'm all for it. Some souls are connected across time and space. Across the sands of internet, they meet and they bond. A one-of-a- kind connection. Something never felt, and never will. This-this was something so different. Something unique. He used to call me his Queen, and he was my King. We lived in our private Wattpadia kingdom ruling over our imaginary subjects. We had so much fun together. And the pranks we played on our unsuspecting friends were so crazy! Gosh! I miss him like anything... (a tear silently slides down my eye.)

(In a choked voice) Got to go. His memory evokes a storm on a leash, waiting to unleash its fury and devastate everything in its way. I stop here. Will tell you more the next time, Diary.

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